Dancing With The Stars

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In which, Lisa, Faye and Johnny are pros for Strictly. Lee, Claire and H are amongst the celebs. Albeit not as members of Steps. And the judges are last seasons panel because I miss Darcy on there. 

"And next up to land himself a partner is former footballer and now Football Pundit, Lee Latchford Evans." Lee had been a lauded centre-half for his beloved boyhood team following his rise in the lower leagues and had been a much acclaimed scorer however following a bad back injury after a horrendous tackle from an opposing player he had retired from playing at the age of 27. 2 years later and he worked for Sky, reporting on matches in the studio. But he and his agent had discussed the opportunity for doing a reality show and it felt suitable to try at something where he might pick up a new skill. He wouldn't be the first footballer or sports star venturing out of his comfort zone and well he couldn't deny the female dancers were all stunning. He smiled as Tess announced his pairing and slim arms tangled round his neck as he elegantly spun his partner under his arm and into a friendly hug. "So you seem pretty happy with your partner Faye, you think he has the moves?" Tess smiled as she launched into a small chat. 

2 Weeks Earlier

"I'm telling you Faye, I want the Welsh TV Presenter. I think he looks like we'd have fun together." Lisa said as Johnny was sat beside his fiancée, his fingers stroking her hand. Faye smiled softly as she tucked her knees under her chin listening as the shows producers detailed the celebrities this year. They'd earlier seen them all but the celebs were going through some simple moves with choreographers in another room as Jodie, the producers assistant went over who they all were. "So Claire Richards is a Singer and recently won Celebrity Bake Off."
"She was Celine Dion's support act." Faye said softly as she had been to see the Canadian songstress with her now ex-boyfriend in March. "Hey he's not worth you getting upset over." Giovanni one of the other professionals said as he placed a hand on her shoulder seeing she was getting a little tearful. "Gio's right Josh was an idiot, you are worth so much more." Luba said encouragingly as Lisa nodded in agreement. She'd loathed Josh but kept her opinion quiet wanting Faye to be happy, but she had been rather glad that Faye had quickly worked out that Josh was no good.

" Okay let's have a run through of the dance we'll do for the initial show. Luba can you Lisa and Gio frame Stacey, Claire and Ian over here." The choreographer asked as Luba hauled herself up as did Lisa. Gio meanwhile seemed slightly interested in a smiley blonde from a girl group. "Gio you're up." Faye said softly giggling at the fact her Italian friend was so easily diverted by pretty girls.
"Faye, you and Karen here please with Lee, Graeme and Charles." The choreography added as Faye bit her lip heading to the cluster of celebs. "Hi." She said softly as the former footballer smiled at her. "So how's your dancing feet? Ready for a workout?" Faye asked as Lee shrugged. "I hope so, my Mam reckons I should at least get to Blackpool, so no family pressure there. It's okay though my sister has said if I get to Movie week it'll be a small miracle." He added as Faye giggled slightly.

"I think someone's made a friend." Lisa commented to Luba who nodded and smiled.
"That's good right, she needs to move on."
"True, I just hope she doesn't let her heart rule her head like usual. Steamroll into something before she fully knows how she feels."

Lee's Mum had been correct about them getting to Blackpool, they got further too. A sensual Argentine Tango and fun Salsa propelling them into the final. Lisa had gone out on Musicals Week, her Rumba not fully getting the marks she and H needed. However she was supporting both Faye, and Johnny who had made it to the finals with their partners. "You sure you aren't spying on me and Lee. You best not be telling Johnny what we're doing." Faye said as she ran through the steps of the Grease Quickstep she and Lee were redoing as the judges pick of their three dances. "As if I would. Anyway I'm a little worried what might happen if you two are left alone." Lisa giggled as she chewed her apple slice with a smirk. They'd all seen it, the glances shared between Lee and Faye on the dancefloor, during interviews. Lee's hand holding hers as they left BBC building's or the practice sessions. Not to mention the fact that Luba swore she had seen them kissing at the after-party in Blackpool. 

"Lise, shush he'll hear you." Faye said sharply as Lee was busy getting a swig of water from the side. "I can't believe you won't tell me." Lisa said teasingly as Faye sighed.
"'Cause, there's nothing to tell. We...we like each other but right now the competition is what we're focused on. You know what might happen if the paps think somethings going on. We'll be splashed over the pages of the tabloids and well I'm not sure it will reflect well on us."
"Why not you're single, so is he. Isn't he?" Lisa mused as Faye nodded. She fiddled with a loose curl that had fallen from the messy bun she had it in. "Still I ju...jus want us to be able to focus and that won't happen if all we get from the media is questions about if we're dating or something." Faye said as Lisa bit her lip. 
"They might already be onto that hun." She said pointing to an article online about the possible relationships between the pairings on the series.

"Good luck." Faye said to Claire and Johnny, as well as Kevin and Stacey who had made it to the final. Claire smiled happily and went to hug the blonde. They'd made firm friends as Johnny and Claire were often practising at the same dance studio's as Faye and Lee had been. "Charlie made you this, he said if I didn't win then he'd like you to." Claire said producing a card clearly made by a toddler. Faye smiled at the gesture and took a selfie of herself and the card, posting it to her Instagram account quickly as the hair stylist finished her hair. 

"And welcome to the Strictly finals, now this years we unfortunately have only 3 couples in the final as a result of Graeme leaving us mid-competition as a result of injury. However please give it up for your Strictly Finalists. Claire Richards, Stacey Dooley and Lee Latchford-Evans." Tess announced as the music started for the opening number.
The voted off celebs danced their number as the votes came in for the finalists. Lisa and H doing a segment of their Jive to Cee-Lo Green 'Forget You' as part of the dance. Johnny smiled proudly at his fiancée who he knew had been gutted to leave so close to the semi finals. "So lets go to the judges for a final word before the result is announced. Craig you said Stacey had a decent run of dances but nothing that swept you away."

"Yeah, they were all competent, good dances but on a night like this we need show stoppers. I think your show dance let you down somewhat. But that been said you and Kevin have a good partnership and you have shown a huge level of development."
"Bruno you said Claire and Johnny's Tango was unforgettable. What specifically do you like about that."
"That Claire becomes someone else, she's no longer the singer, she's displaying fire almost as she dances to the track. The gauchos have more sharpness and definition there and her frame is much improved. Well done." Bruno enthused as Claire beamed, Johnny's arm slung over her shoulder. "And Darcy you were in tears almost at the show dance Lee preformed with Faye."
"It was stunning. The holds and general presentation were outstanding but the detail in the dance. The movement and footwork were divine." Darcy said as Shirley nodded in agreement. "Well it's time to announce the winner of this years Strictly. The votes are in and the winner is....."

H sat beside Johnny and Lisa later in the bar at the after-party. "Sorry you didn't win mate, you were good. Well you all were." H mused as Lisa smiled slightly. "Well I guess at least I won in the bet." She mused as Johnny gaped at her wide-eyed.
"You bet that Stacey and Kevin would win, you traitor!" He said feigning anger, Lisa shook her head slightly. "No a slightly different bet." She said as she nodded her head to the corner of the room, Lee and Faye softly kissing as the sound of Ed Sheeran's Perfect echoed through the speakers. 

I was tempted to have Faye and Lee win in this, in fact rewrote the final paragraph as a result, but felt I'd stay true to the injustice that was the Strictly 2018 result. Slightly longer than the usual ficlet but I hope it's still enjoyable. 

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