the list

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pov: you and joshua have been dating for two years, he recently asked you to move in with him, you said yes obviously however when he was helping you back your things he found a list you made 2 and a half years ago of pros and cons to going out with him... because at the time he was a "bad boy" and he was known for dating loads of girls, you knew you both had a strong connection but you made this list when you were with your friends, josh finds it a well....

"hey what's this" josh said picking up a piece of folded paper
"i'm not sure, open it" you said emptying your draws nearly into the big brown box
"pros and cons" he said
"uhh you don't need to read that" you said grabbing the paper out of his hand immediately realising what it was
"i want to" he snatching it back .. "huh, pros and cons of dating joshua...
pros- he's cute, he's nice to me, he drives, he's independent, awww" he smiled "cons- he's a
player... he might not treat me well in the long run..... it probably won't last... right" he said folding the paper back up and chucking it in the bin
"i wrote that 2 and a half years ago josh" you said you walking over to him
"yeah yeah i know" he nodded with a slight smile putting more things in boxes
"don't be upset" you said putting your arms around his neck
"no i'm not, i just didn't know... you felt like that back then" he said quietly
"i know, it was early days and obviously you know what it was like in the past. besides, i was with my friends we were talking about boys and all made them about the boys we liked" you said and he just smiled at you
"look at us now though baby, none of them cons were true, and never will be true" you pecked him on the lips
"that's true... i love you" he said
"i love you more joshy"

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