Chapter 1

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892 words without including A/N's

Kaminari's POV

My alarm went off for what seemed like the 17th time,  but I just hit the snooze button again,  drifting off to sleep once more.  It went off again and I gave up,  deciding to actually get out of bed this time,  otherwise I'd probably sleep through the next time my alarm clock goes off and end up sleeping until 12pm.  As I sat up in my bed I yawned and stretched my arms,  groaning a little as I did so.  I threw the covers off of me before actually getting out of bed. 

As I debated whether I should get dressed first or go to the kitchen and eat something,  my stomach interrupted me by growling,  basically deciding for me.  I walked out of my room to grab something to eat from the kitchen before taking my med container out of the cupboard.  I grabbed a glass from the cupboard beside it,  filling it up before taking two of the half clear half orange pills out of the container.  I put the pills in my mouth before drinking the water from the glass and swallowing the pills.  I continued eating my toast as I went back into my room to grab some clothes before going into the bathroom for a shower.

[time skip brought to you by me not wanting to write a whole shower scene]

I got out of the shower,  the scar under my chest was visible when I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled,  running my fingers over it.  My hair wasn't that long but I knew that I'd need to get it cut soon, but it was fine for now.  I ran my hand through my hair,  it was messy, but so am I so it matched me.  I changed into my clothes,  which consisted of a yellow long sleeved shirt with a black lightning bolt in the centre,  a pair of black basketball shorts,  a white beanie,  and a pair of white high top sneakers with a bright yellow lightning bolt on the sides. I put on my watermelon scented deodorant before brushing my teeth quickly. 

I went back into my room,  quickly grabbing my bag,  slinging it over my shoulder before taking my phone and my keys.  As I walked back out of my room I grabbed a cable for my phone off the coffee table in the living room,  putting it into my bag as I walked out the door,  making sure to lock it behind me before heading off to work.

Shinsou's POV

I didn't have to drag myself out of bed really,  I had already been awake the whole night because of my insomnia.  I yawned before rubbing my eyes tiredly,  the bags under my eyes growing more and more visible every night,  it didn't bother me though, it made me, well, me I guess. 

I got out of bed,  I went over to my dresser and grabbed a few pieces of clothing before walking into my bathroom.  I didn't need to take a shower today,  I took one last night so I'll be fine today.  My outfit consisted of a black long sleeved shirt,  a purple t-shirt overtop of it tucked into a pair of black high waisted ripped jeans that had a few red strings tying some of the rips together,  and a pair of purple sneakers with a few white details on them. 

I put on deodorant and brushed my teeth before tackling the tangled mess that is my hair,  I eventually got it to lay mostly flat and finally walked out of my bathroom.  I went into the kitchen,  opening the fridge to see what I should eat,  when I saw the pizza box I took a slice immediately.  I didn't bother to heat it up,  pizza was better when cold anyway,  at least to me it was. 

When I finished eating I grabbed my phone and my keys,  walking out the door and locking it behind me. 

While walking to work I stopped at the starbucks on the way to get my coffee.  I ordered my black coffee and waited for them to finish making it.  I glanced around at some of the people in there,  I saw a girl with short pink hair and pink skin talking to a boy who looked like a default mii with abnormally big elbows.  I looked at the two for a few seconds before my name got called.   I recognized the two from the flower shop across the street,  they seemed to hang out there a lot which was strange since I don't know why someone would want to hangout at a flower shop,  there were only flowers there,  unless they knew someone who worked there,  yeah,  that's probably what it was. 

I grabbed his coffee off the counter and continued on my walk to work,  the scenery wasn't that exciting to me considering I had walked past it so many times before. 

[Time skip]

Shinsou's POV

When I got to the Tattoo parlour I saw a golden haired boy across the street,  when I made eye contact with him I looked away quickly,  although it didn't take long for me to look at him again.  When I turned back to see him he had this big dorky smile on his face,  it was cute...

You get to suffer from this cliffhanger because I said so,  even though I'll probably be posting tomorrow as well—

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