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Buffy's POV

God this is hard.

I take a deep breath as I sit next to Faith in the rehab center of the hospital, waiting for Anya and Xander.

It's not quite as hard as it was a couple weeks ago after my mom's funeral, but I'm dealing. Those first few days, it was horrible. Just getting through the next minute knowing my family is gone, was so hard I wanted to cry all the time. But it doesn't hurt quite so bad anymore. I can actually get through a day without falling apart and crying 6 or 7 times. It's down to like one or two times a day now. I almost feel halfway normal.

I glance at Faith briefly and she catches me.

"Everything all right B?"

I attempt to smile at her, failing like I have so many times over the past couple of weeks.

"Yeah, I think so."

I go back to waiting for Xander and the doctors to bring Anya down for rehab, and so does she.

Faith has been such a big help to me over the past few weeks. If I needed to talk, she was there. If I needed to cry, she was there. If I just needed to do something other than sit at home and veg, we went out and did stuff. She really has been an incredible friend. I feel like I can confide in her about anything, the way I used to with Willow. And the same goes for Faith. About a week ago I told her that if she ever wants to talk about what she's thinking or feeling or whatever, I wanna try and give a little back.

After all, she got Giles to convince The Council to give me enough money to live off of until I can figure out what I wanna do with my life, cause honestly, right now I can't even think about the rest of my life. It's too hard to even think about life without my mom and Dawn here with me. All I want right now is to be here for Anya and Xander while Anya has her first walking rehab session. Xander said the doctors were so impressed with how her rehab was going that they wanted her to start learning to walk again today. So that's why we're here, to be here for Anya and support her. If they ever get here that is.

I look over at Faith.

"Xander said 3 o'clock didn't he?"

She glances at the clock on the wall.

"Yeah he did. They must be late."

I get up to find out.

"I'm gonna go see if they moved it or rescheduled it or something."

"All right..."

I make my way to the automatic doors that lead to the rest of the hospital, only to be stopped by the sight of Xander wheeling Anya this way. The automatic doors slide open at my presence and Xander, Anya, and two doctors cross the distance to walk through. I move out of the way as they come into the rehab center. Xander smiles at me as he passes.

"Hey there, thanks Buffy."

"No problem, just call me Buffy the Door Opener."

Anya decides to speak up as the doctors make their way over to the reception center to check Anya in.

"Of course... you're saving the world from the terror of automatic doors that open on their own, much better than stopping the apocalypse."

Xander and I exchange a knowing look. Faith comes up to join the conversation.

"Hey Anya, how's it going?"

Anya looks up at Faith.

"I'm fine, except for not being able to walk."

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