Our Daughter Who Art in Heaven

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Author's Note: In case anyone is worried, the story doesn't end here. There's still one more twist to tell. Who wants to guess what it is?

Faith's POV

The light of the sun shines on my face through the window, waking me up. I open my eyes and I see the ceiling I never thought I'd wake up to see again. I take a deep breath and stretch out in bed, quickly realizing that B isn't next to me. I sit up slowly and look around the room, knowing I won't find her here.

I hope she's all right. Last night was really hard on her. She cried until at least 2am. I cried more than a few times myself. Just holding her and feeling her cry was too much for me. It's probably best we both take it easy for a while. I should go find out what she's doing, make sure she's all right.

I get up out of bed, straightening out my clothes and running a hand through my hair.

I should probably go back to my motel room and change into some clean clothes. I want to be sure B's all right first though.

I start to leave the room but I notice that the drawer in the nightstand is open. I close it and then leave. I make my way down the stairs and I hear a soft crash from the kitchen followed by Buffy's voice.

"Damn it!"

I walk towards the kitchen and the smell of eggs cooking hits me. I enter the kitchen and stop a couple steps in as I see B at the stove, cooking. I stand there for a few moments, not sure what to say. The only thing that comes to mind is...


She stops what she's doing and our eyes meet for a while. B goes back to cooking before responding.


"You know, you don't have to cook B."

She keeps on cooking throughout.

"I know I don't but... I just, I need to focus on... something else right now."

I take a deep breath, hearing her voice almost crack every time she pauses.

"If I don't I might break into tears. I don't really want to cry right now."

"B, if you need to cry then just let it out. I've been through this with my own mom. Trust me... it's better to just let it out."

"No I..."

She pauses and closes her eyes for a second.

"Now isn't the time to cry. There are other things that are more important. It'll happen eventually, I know that. I'll cry sooner or later, but not now. I'm all cried out after last night."

I can see she wants to leave it at that for now as she goes back to cooking on the stove.

"All right..."

I walk over and sit in the first seat at the breakfast bar.

"What are you having?"

"Eggs... I, I made one for you, if you want one that is."

She made me some breakfast?

"You didn't have to do that B."

She shakes the pan gently to check if it's ready.

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. It's the least I can do after what you did for me last night. Do you want sunny-side up or over easy?"

I don't really say anything right away and she looks back at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes is still there and some anger but the confusion is less than it was last night.

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