Chapter 4-WereWolves

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I couldn't stop thinking about that morning I nearly got eaten by a Werewolf and the boy who saved me who (was also a werewolf). There was just something about him that had me intrigued.

So I found out everything I could about Werewolves. I had my Mom drive me to the nearest library and I researched into the history as much as I could.

The internet basically was repeating information I heard from my parents over the years. WereWolves weakness is a silver bullet, They are more active on full moons. Yadda yadda.

I sighed and put my head in my hands, I flashed back to when that werewolf had me cornered and how lucky I was that Calum wasn't like his pal and saved me instead of joining.

"Into Werewolves huh ?"

I looked up and saw a tall young boy with dirty blonde hair standing across from me. 

" parents are kinda obsessed with them, so I thought I'd see if there's anything they didn't tell me about them." I replied disappointed.

The blonde boy took a seat across from me, seeming to think over his next words. He wore all black and looked so ruggedly attractive with the scruffy fuzz on his face. Ok, girl focus.

"I know a thing or two about Werewolves that you won't find in any textbook." He offered. "If you're interested."

I gave him a skeptical look, should I trust a random boy I just met ? Then again, what would he possibly gain from lying to me ?

"What exactly do you have that be worth my while ?" I asked. "I mean, no offense but I bearly know you."

"My name's, Luke. And I'm the most trustworthy guy you will ever meet. And what's your name ?" Luke said smiling, I laughed.

Cheeky devil.

"Hailey." I replied. "So are you some kind of Werewolf enthusiasts ?"

"You can say that." Luke said. "Are you Hayes daughter ?"

I wasn't surprised he knew about me. Everyone in this town knew about me and Kaden because we were destined to take over for our parents.

"I am. I'm assuming you're a huge fan of my parents ?" I said.

"Yeah I am, I'm surprised you haven't started hunting. Your brother seems quite into it." Luke mused.

Everyone was shocked that I turned down being a Werewolf hunter. But I couldn't just kill something just because it was trying to survive.

"Kaden is crazy." I laughed. "Me, well I'm different. Never really felt like I fit in with my family's clan."

"I can relate. I've always been the rebel child in my family. That's kinda why I moved out here." Luke continued.

Me and Luke ended up going to grab a coffee and prattling on about how misunderstood we were. It was the first positive thing to happen since arriving here.

It was getting late, so I texted my Dad to come and get me. Luke of course insisted he waited with me.

"So, you want to hang out sometime ?" Luke asked. "We don't have to talk about Werewolves if you don't want to."

I smiled, Luke seemed nice. And I did want to find out what he knows about Werewolves that he claims aren't in textbooks.

"Sure, why not ?" I said, scribbling down my phone number and giving it to him. "Text me when be most convenient."

Soon my Dad pulled up, and I said my goodbyes to Luke, before entering the truck. My Dad was in his hunting clothes and his clothes were a bit torn up.

"What happened ?" I asked referring to his clothes.

"Just a bit of training with your brother. What about you ? How was your study date ?" Dad asked and I blushed immediately.

"I was there alone for most of the time but I met one of your biggest fans there. His name is Luke." I said.

My Dad rolled his eyes but eventually smiled.

"Yeah, I met him a few times. He's a nice kid." Dad replied. "So you thought about training yet ?"

I had actually thought about it, considering how helpless I was in the woods that morning.. I needed to be able to protect myself.

"Yeah, I want to be trained. But I can't guarantee I will join the clan, Dad." I said and my Dad gave a silent 'whoop whoop' .

"Regardless of whether you join the clan, Hales. It's good to have self defense skills against werewolves in case you run into one." He said and my stomach churned.

You mean in case I run into one again. It was silent the rest of the car ride but I'd much rather not talk then accidentally give away I was out that one morning.

Dad pulled into the driveway and I could see my mom planting vegetables in the front yard. He parked the truck and I got out to greet my mom.

"Hey, Honey. How was the research ?" She asked as she wiped dirt off her pants.

"It was great. I met a new friend while I was up there." I reply.

"By the way, a boy came here earlier looking for you." Mom adds.

I give her a confused look, did she mean who I thought she meant ?

"Who ?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous.

"Tan skin, short dark hair. He left before I could ask for his name. It was so strange, do you know him ?" She asked suspicion laced in her voice.

Shit. How was I going to downplay this ?

"Oh, he's just a friend I knew from before I moved." I said cooly. "I must've forgotten I told him to stop by."

Mom gave me a look but seem to let it go. I give her a smile and quickly get inside where I almost collide with my brother.

"Hey, why the rush ?" Kaden asked, I didn't bother answering and rush upstairs.

I shut my door and lock it, plopping down on my bed. My phone goes off and I check to see I got a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey

And a text from a Unknown number.

Unknown: Hey it's Calum, look I need to talk to you. Can we meet up ?

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