Chapter 25-Dreams

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I was once again in the woods by my house, my feet bare and I was in the same nightie I was in when I had the dream the first time.

I reached the lake but this time I wasn't alone...

Right next to the Dock, were my Parents and Brother. They had chains around their wrists and ankles. Their bodies covered in bruises, I gasphed stopping just short of the dock.

"Hailey get out of here !" My Dad pleaded.

Blood dripped from the side of his mouth as he spoke.

"Honey please go !" My Mom added struggling with the chains. "Don't let him use you !"

I felt a cool breeze brush up behind me and had a bad feeling someone was behind me...

"I knew you couldn't resist coming here again."

I turned around and Michael was standing right in front of me. He once again had that evil smirk plastered onto his face.

I backed away a few paces and he just chuckled.

"What's wrong ?" He chuckled. "Are you intimidated by me ?"

I glared at him just wanting to get the fuck out of this fucked up dream. But I wasn't waking up.

"Just let my family go..." I said. "Please they have nothing to do with this.."

Michael laughs stepping closer to me but I step further back.

"You know what I want Hailey." Michael stated. "Get the Scepter out of the Lake and I'll consider letting them go."

Was he being for real ?

"That's not how negotiations work Michael." I said. "You have to give the same back in order for this to work."

I gasphed as his hand shot up and wrapped around my wrist, pulling me straight up against him. I try to pull free but he was too strong.

"You haven't exactly made it easy Hales.." He spat. "You run every chance you get, I'm done trying to be nice."

"Don't call me that." I said between clenched teeth.

"You know this be a lot easier and a lot less violent if you'd just turn yourself in." Michael warned. "I will get you eventually, it's only a matter of when."

My palm starts to heat up with power once again, just like all the other times I felt like I was in danger.

"Fuck off." I spat and my palm glowed white and sent Michael flying across the dock and into the lake.

I gasphed as I woke up in a sweat in the hotel bed I passed out in. Calum was still asleep in the bed across from mine. I sighed and got out of bed and walk into the bathroom.

I look shocked at the forming bruise on my wrist...the same wrist Michael grabbed when I was in the dream ! Oh my god.....was that real ?

"Hailey ?" Calum said knocking on the bathroom door. "You alright ?"

How did he always seem to know when something is wrong ? I turned in the faucet and splashed water on my face.

"Yeah....." I shouted, quickly drying myself with a towel.

I quickly exit the bathroom but Calum stops me as he notices the bruise on my arm.

"What happened to your wrist ?" He asked concerned as he gently held my wrist.

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