Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Stiles asked watching as I was picking the lock on the back door of the Beacon Hills County Library. 

"Yes, Stiles," I grumble out. "You're sure that the security system is broken?" I looked at him over my shoulder hearing the lock click ready to be opened. 

"Positive, dad said that they weren't bringing in someone to fix it until Friday night because the guy was busy for something." Stiles nodded following as I slowly made my way into the library, listening to make sure we were the only ones here. 

"Okay. Now I'm going to stand watch, while you find that book and we get out, understand?" I turned around to face him causing Stiles to bump into me. He gasped freezing as his hands grabbed for my arms to steady himself.

"Next time, try and step to the side when someone is following you so close," Stiles whispered patting my arms as he released them. He quickly smoothed out my shirt before stepping away from me. 

"Dually noted, next time don't follow someone so close behind," I chuckled. "Now where is this book?"

"Down the hall a little. Just wait here." Stiles said darting down the hall before taking a left into the shelves. I stood by the door watching out the small window making sure that no one was coming. I parked about three blocks away in a side alley just to be safe. 

"Stiles hurry up," I whisper shout to him. 

Stiles pokes his head out from behind a bookshelf scowling at me, "I'm having a hard time finding it. Just a couple more minutes," Stiles huffed out going back behind the shelf. 

I rolled my eyes leaving back against the wall continuing to watch the window when I thought I saw something flash. "What?" I whispered looking out the window again, "Shit!" I ran for Stiles watching as the sheriff's patrol car rolled into the parking lot with its lights flashing. 

"Found it!" Stiles shouted excitedly. I grabbed him looking for somewhere to hide. "What- Oh shit! It's my dad! Derek!" Stiles clutched the book to his chest as I picked him up and started climbing the bookshelf. 

"What are you doing? He's going to see us!" Stiles whispered watching as the door began to open. 

"Shut up and don't move. If we lay flat enough the won't be able to see us." I quietly growled pushing him down. I watched as the Sheriff and Parish walked into the building flashlights out and a hand at their hip ready to grab their gun if needed. 

"Take the front I'll look around in here." Sheriff Stilinski told Parish pointing to the desk. Parish gave a quick nod.

They searched the building for a good ten minutes before regrouping in front of the shelf that Stiles and I were hiding on. "Doesn't look like anyone's here," Parish said with a sigh.

"The old lady across the street said she saw a pair of males breaking in. Granted she's told us that about six different times in the last two months." Sheriff Stilinski sighed running a hand through his hair. "With the security system down, it was worth checking out, just to be safe."

"You don't think Stiles would go far enough to try and break-in, right? He was just having a bad day, he's not that crazy?" Parish asked. I looked at Stiles sharing the same wide-eyed expression. 

"I don't think so, but it wouldn't hurt to double-check. We'll do our rounds before going to Derek's and asking." Stilinski sighed as they walked out of the library. 

"What are we going to do?" Stiles asked.

"We'll tell him that we were there all night and if he doubts that, we'll say we went out to get food." I sighed watching as the patrol car pulls out of the parking lot before jumping down from the bookshelf and helping Stiles down.

"Actually food sounds good, can we go get some?" Stiles laughed looking at the book clutched in his hands. "I really hope this tells us something." 

"So do I." I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh. It better, because that was close. 

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