Chapter 2

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"Hey, Derek?" I looked up at Scott standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking nervous. This wasn't unusual for Scott, but this was different.

"What's up, Scott?" I asked setting down the kitchen knife that I was using to cut up an apple.

"This is maybe weird and you might not have an answer, but I was wondering if there was anything that werewolves did for their loved ones? Something different for normal people." I stared blankly a Scott before letting out a long sigh. Running a hand through my hair a gave him a weak smile.

"Get the other's together, this is something you should all hear," I told him, knowing that the answer I had wasn't much.

It wasn't long before the pack was sitting in the living room of the loft waiting to hear what I had to say. I sat down on the coffee table in the center of them, resting my elbows on my knees and my chin on my fists. I let out another long sigh. "I don't know how to explain this well, I don't even have much information. But when Scott asked me this question, I thought that I should tell all of you." I looked at my pack who seemed very interested in what I had to say. Even Stiles and Lydia, which they like learning so that doesn't shock me very much.

"Everyone and everything has traditions, werewolves are included. We follow many of the normal traditions like marriage and things along those lines. Though our way of proposing is a little different, some of us do the normal buy a diamond ring and pop the question. There a many, but also very few of us who follow the old traditions." I felt like I was rambling, but they needed to know the history.

"What's so different?" Stiles asked now sitting closer to me so he could soak in all of the information. For never wanting to be a werewolf, he loved almost everything that has to with us. I think most of the time he just wants to make sure that he can help the pack if something ever happens.

"Well," I paused thinking of how to continue. "When I was younger, I was a very curious kid, one day I heard one of my uncles talking about his mate and how he was going to tell her and what he was going to give her as a proposal. You have to remember, my family is a very long and old family of werewolves, so everyone basically followed the older traditions. I went to my mother that night and I asked her a question that to this day, I'm glad I asked her when I did." I smiled remembering that day once again.

"What did you ask her?" Lydia asked she was all about sad or romantic stories. Her interest was peaked by the second.

"I asked and I quote, Momma, what's a Moon Crystal?" I chuckled. The pack became confused but still engaged in what I was telling them.

"What did she tell you?" Stiles was now basically close to resting his head and arms on my lap. I didn't mind, it was story time and nothing could ruin my mood at the second. It was so nice to be telling them this, I felt like an Alpha, I felt like a father.

"She told me, that Moon Crystals, are very special to our kind."

"Why are they so special? Do they come from the moon?" Stiles asked his eyes sparkling with wonder.

"No, they don't." Everyone gave a sad sigh. I chuckle continuing. "Moon Crystals, come from the earth, but what makes them special and how they get their name, is because Moon Crystals glow with the phases of the moon. They are constantly changing, just like the moon. Moon Crystals are very rare, they only grow in certain places in the world. My mother told me that people would travel across the world just to find a Moon Crystal."

"We give them to our loves ones because they feel like a part of us. Since Moon Crystals are so rare, we believe that they mean more than some diamonds."

"So where do we find them?" Scott asked looking somewhat confident.

"I don't know." I sighed looking to my hands. "The conversation of Moon Crystals normally comes up when a young wolf is around the age of sixteen because that's when everything really starts changing. But I never had that conversation. So though I know how to answer your questions, I can't help you." I stood looking at my pack sadly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered leaving them in the living room. I went to my room closing the door behind me and sliding down it.

"Where are you when I need you most mom?" I asked looking to the glowing moon resting in the night sky.

Momma, What's a Moon Crystal? [Sterek] [Short Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें