Chapter 3

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It's been a couple of weeks since that talk about Moon Crystals with the pack, I'm not sure if they dropped the subject or if they all went looking for answers. No one's been around much since Scott dropped in for a few minutes the other day but he had to meet up with Stiles. I wanted a Moon Crystal to feel close to my mother again, but trying to find them wasn't something that I had to do. 

I sat on my couch reading an old book of my mother's that survived the fire, hoping that maybe I could find the pack some answers, but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I sighed closing the book when the iron door slid open and in walked a grumpy looking Stiles. I raised my brow as he walked over slumping down on the couch next to me. 

"What's got you so upset? Did your Jeep break down again?" I asked him, setting the book on the coffee table. 

"My dad took my keys." He muttered crossing his arms over his chest. 

"What did you do this time?" I chuckled knowing it had to of been pretty stupid if the Sheriff took Stiles keys again. 

"I've been at the Library constantly and when the librarian wouldn't get me a book out of the restricted section, I kind of flipped out on her. So Dad took my Jeep and brought me here until his shift ends." Stiles sighed running a hand through his hair. "I didn't mean to freak out the old lady, but she was being a bit of a bitch about the book and I haven't been sleeping again. It's just not a good day." I haven't heard Stiles this upset in a long time. 

"I agree, that's no reason to scare an old lady; but what's going on Stiles? Why aren't you sleeping again?" I asked resting a hand on his knee. I'd never tell anyone, hell I can hardly admit it to myself, but I love Stiles. If I knew more about Moon Crystals I'd find the biggest one possible for him.

"I've been trying to find out more about Moon Crystals. Deaton doesn't know much about them, and the book that he has about them is in a different language, which Lydia is trying to translate. I was hoping to find something in the Library, which I did, but it wasn't much, and since I couldn't get into the restricted section, I couldn't get to the book that I think will tell me something." Stiles sounded almost guilty. 

"Why are you trying to find a Moon Crystal?" I asked him.

"Because it would make you happy." He whispered. I was shocked and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest when he said that. 

"Why?" I chocked out trying to not want to cry. I didn't think Stiles cared if I was happy or not, I know he cares but to try and find out something about Moon Crystals is a big reach.

"Because you're also so grumpy and lately you've seemed really upset, even before we talked about the Moon Crystals. A few weeks back when I was at the station, on dad's board was the file from when your house burnt down and from Laura's death, the fire was six years ago last month, and Laura died three years ago last week. Cora's been gone for almost two years this summer." He wasn't wrong, both of those events had been on my mind, the Moon Crystals being on my mind did make those harder this year. 

"I didn't know what to say, but I thought that maybe if I could help find a Moon Crystal, you wouldn't feel so sad all of the time anymore. I know that if I could find something that would make me feel closer to my mother, I'd do everything in my power to find it." I now understood why he's sounded so guilty and upset.

"I'll get you into the restricted section," I said grabbing Stiles' shoulder with a smile on my face. "And don't worry about not saying anything, I honestly forgot about it this year." Stiles gave a weak smile back with a nod.

"So how are we going to get into the restricted section?" Stiles asked. He was getting that devious look in his eye and I knew that he was completely ready for my plan.

I stood from the couch and laughed, "Well, we're going to break in of course." I smirked grabbing my leather jacket and keys walking to the lift. "Are you coming or what?" Stiles grinned jumping over the back of the couch and racing into the lift. At least if we get caught the Sheriff is on our side. Sort of.

Momma, What's a Moon Crystal? [Sterek] [Short Story]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon