The Final Scene: An End To This Chapter

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"It felt like a whole bromance triangle to be honest." Casey said, popping a sour patch kid in her mouth.

"Right? After the movie came out, I found this thing that said Stucky vs. Stony." Nigel spoke.

"Goodness, don't get me started on that." Veracity remarked with an eyeroll.

"People man...they're crazy." Jackson had said, Veracity agreeing alongside him.

"Oh you guys it's just for fun." Mackenzie retorted.

"No I don't have a problem with it, I just don't get it. Why is there a battle between the ships when Tony and Steve were never friends to begin with?" Jackson queried.

"Well that's a stretch, I mean if they weren't friends, they wouldn't work well on the battlefield. Besides, by Age of Ultron, they're established as friends." Alyssa answered him.

"Man we're all sittin' up here talking about Marvel," Casey says, "when we all know DC is better."

"Ah haha ha!" Mark laughed dramatically, his way of saying she was being ridiculous. The others laughed at his mocking, "that's a good one."

"Okay live action wise, whatever. Comic book wise? Marvel gets blown out of the water." Casey defended her statement.

"She's right, I mean I like Marvel and all, but DC is my shit." Nigel backed her up.

"Please don't fight over which is better, social media does that enough." Mackenzie remarked.

"Yeah besides, it's a closed case," Spyder adds onto that, "Marvel dominates, hands down."

"You would say that." Casey's eyes rolled.

"Whatchu mean?" Spyder asked.

"You're a spiderman fanatic." Casey replied.

"Hell yeah, Spiderman is lit, I've been a fan since I was three." Spyder proudly stated.

"Same bro, but then it made me wonder why I can like him and not actual spiders." Harris speaks.

"Well you can't gain spider powers from a real spider. You just risk dying if you're bit, that's why they're scary." Alyssa explained, a little shutter at the end.

"They've never bothered me, I think it's just a women thing." Nigel shrugged it off and drank some of his water. When he secured the cap back on, every female in the room was giving him a not-so-friendly stare, "what?"

"You did not just say that." Veracity retorted.

"For real, it's goes both ways my friend." Casey said.

"Yeah, y'all can be pussies too." Alyssa stated.

"Oh uh uh, wait a minute wait minute wait a minute, pause for the cause," Mark stopped her in her tracks, "don't get it twisted, don't you call on men to help with your problems?"

"Now that's just sexist, we don't need you guys for everything. Ever heard of the independent woman?" Veracity rebuttled.

"For example," Casey proved her point by looking to every girl in the room, "need I say more?"

"Yeah but, who ultimately saved the day?" Jackson inquired smugly.

"Not you with your ass chillin' on the floor." Alyssa dissed, taking a sip of her orange juice.

The group shared a laugh as Jackson rolled his eyes and Casey stood up to head upstairs. She still heard a very sentences out of her friends before completely disappearing, like Jackson jokingly arguing with, "whatever, you're just hatin' on me because I'm black," and Alyssa combatting that comment with, "oh my gosh, you always go there, I'm not racist. We wouldn't be friends if that were the case." Casey shook her head at the ridiculousness. Arriving at the top of the stairs, she walked down the hallway and peeked her head into the nearest bedroom. There, she saw the one person who was missing from the bunch. She crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe, "hey."

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