The Final Scene: An End To This Chapter

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Quick Note: Spoilers ahead for some of the movies I name drop. So if you have not seen these movies, scroll down as fast as you can to avoid them because they will be listed. The spoilers I know is simply because of watching spoiler videos by some of my favorite Youtubers and Google posting articles about them that peeked my interest a bit, simple as that. Also, if some of this offends you, guys, it's for comedy purposes only. I'm not a hater by any means, so don't take it seriously.


"Alright, we've got Disney movies, we've got Marvel movies, we've got DC, we've got Fox movies, and my personal favorite..." Spyder announces to the room full of guests while holding a stack of DVDs. He smacks them down on the center table for dramatic effect before revealing his movie type, "the Jurassic Park movies!

"As long as no one picks the High School Musical trilogy, I'm staying." Mark stated.

"Bye." Casey waved mockingly, to which Mark smacked her playfully.

"Come on dude, that's a classic." Jackson defended the films.

"You watched High School Musical?" Mark inquired in slight disbelief.

"Who didn't?" Jackson posed the question.

"Kids with no childhood and who lack the joy of singing and dancing." Alyssa commented.

"True." Nigel agreed and received some 'mhm's'.

Veracity put down her drink and combatted to that, "it's overrated honestly."

"What?" Jackson reacted in shock and Casey with, "boo!"

Veracity put her hands up, "keeping it real."

"No you know what's overrated? Avengers Endgame." Harris gave his opinion.

"Oh you better watch where you say that, the fanboys and girls will eat you alive." Mark warned him.

"It's not bad, but it felt predictable. We knew they were going to win, we knew Ironman was going to die, we knew they would find a way to return all of the Infinity Stones. It's not this huge blockbuster that they tried to hype it up to be." Harris explained his reasoning.

"Well did you know Black Widow was going to die? Did you know that Ironman was going to have a daughter-"

"She's so cute!" Mackenzie cooed.

"And did you know that Steve was going to go back and live his life out with Peggy and give Sam his shield?" Alyssa finished for Spyder, to which Harris was silent, "no, so techincally it's not all that predictable.

"Man, Cap lost all of his development when he did that. I was like, the point of you coming out of the ice was to evolve and become a version of yourself that you never thought you could be before. But no, let's just go back in time and forget you were ever found, the end." Nigel gave his thoughts, making Casey snort in agreement.

"If you look at it that way sure. I think he was finally doing something he wanted rather than thinking about everyone else. He gave into his own desires for once and I think he deserved it honestly." Mackenzie replied as she grabbed the pack of gummy bears across from her.

"He deserves to lick my shoe, man heck no. After Civil War, I was done." Jackson disagreed.

"You're just biased because Ironman's your favorite." Alyssa commented.

"...that's not the point." Jackson failed to think of a good reply.

"No no, he shouldn't of kept that from Tony. I get why he did it, but come on dude. You knew Howard, why would you do that? And the fact that Bucky was involved just hurt man." Mark backed him up.

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