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"The results look okay." The doctor informed us when we came back after a few days. I insisted that I will rest at home while waiting for the results of the test I took the day after I was admitted in the hospital.

Holly called to apologize and was doing everything she can to keep the story under wraps. She was so good with her job that nothing came out. No story about me rushing to the hospital even got into media. 

Nick and I refused to talk even after the results came out. He did everything to stay out of my way for two days and retreated in his studio to work on his new single. His manager, Phil, was concerned about him and called me to relay the information.

According to those working with him, Nick was in a bad mood. He would refuse lunch and just work throughout the day. I told Phil I'll take the matters in my own hands.

On day three, I made lunch for Nick and took it to his working studio. I met his producers along the way and they warned me that since Nick was in a bad mood, the song isn't going so well.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for an impending cold war in this room, and knocked before entering.

Nick was strumming his guitar on the sofa by the corner and looked up to see who came back. He met my gaze, he was so successful in hiding his emotions.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, turning his attention back to his guitar.

I walked and extinguished the space between us. "I got you lunch. Here." I offered him the small lunchbox I packed up. "I made you roast beef sliders and corn salad."

He put his guitar away and led me outside of the recording studio. Nick took me to a vacant bench and took the lunch I offered him earlier. "Thank you." He took out the bottled water I packed. 

We sat at both ends of the bench, unsure of what to say.

"I'm sorry." We say together after a few minutes.

I held back my laughter, thinking it was inappropriate. "Look. I'm sorry. I told Holly I can't take the role. With the wedding coming up, I need to focus on one important thing at once. A movie this big will take all of me. I have to give everything to it and I can give half of myself to you and the other to my job."

"Holly said I might be burnt out too and agreed I need to take a rest while planning our lives together." I turned my head to him.

"I really hope you get my point, Y/N. Your health matters to me. If I can buy anything with all I have to make sure you live for a hundred years, I'll do it." Nick put his burger down and wiped his fingers with a tissue. "I will support you in all your decisions in life. I just wish that those decisions don't kill you."

"Because I am taking care of myself for you. I avoid things that can potentially get me in a point where you'd be worried about me. I don't want to end my life when ours is just starting. And I hope you think about that too. Your mental health is just as important as my diabetes. Don't think its just a panic attack."

I bit my lower lip, "I just...panicked because of everything happening."

"Then call me. You do know that your call ring tone is the loudest I have, right?" He took his phone from his pocket. My call alert was a damn siren.

I laughed and he looked incredulous before he joined in. 

"My ring tone is a siren?" I wiped my tears, trying hard to calm down.

He grinned, "Not just any siren. The Purge siren." Nick put his phone back to his pocket and smiled finally.

"How long has that been my ring tone?" I asked curiously.

"For awhile." Nick answered, his eyes filled with amusement. "I made everyone promise not to tell you. But I just want to be able to answer your call every time."

We laughed again at the thought of the siren. 

"But seriously, next time, call me. I will answer every single time." He reached out for my hand and squeezed it. "When you're feeling anxious, call me. When you're happy, call me. When you're lonely, call me. Honestly, just call me when you want to."

"What if I call during your concert?"

Nick rolled his eyes, as if the answer should be obvious now, "Everybody can wait."

I grinned, "You are the sweetest thing, you know that?"

"Of course, babe." He turned those deep brown eyes to me and I just...can't. I am the luckiest girl alive. 

"Gawd, you sound so sexy just then." I licked my lips, knowing this will turn him on. I will spend my days trying to figure out how this man fell in love with someone like me.

Nick was taken aback for a few moment and gave me his signature smirk, "Don't challenge me, Y/N. We both know you'll surrender in my arms when I take you."

"I didn't say I wouldn't." I stuck out a tongue. He knew me, every single bit of me. Nick knew how to make me smile, how to make my cry and damn, he knows how to make me…

"Don't start something you can't finish, baby." He took the slider again and continued eating.

I laughed, "I guess we'll just see when you get home, huh?"

Thay sexy grin on his face appeared, "Looking forward to it. But don't fill my head with those thoughts, Y/N. I need to finish my song."

"I know how to change the mood." I took my phone from my bag and called him.

Sure enough, we were in a laughing fit after that.

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