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With Nick's busyness over his next album with Ila Thomson and the release of his single plus the music video and my training for the Stargazers, we barely had time to think about anything else. Two months passed by and with the wedding month looming just around the corner, our schedules got so tight that the only times we actually saw each other are whenever I come home and he's still awake and when we need to come together to figure out a wedding detail that needed to be changed or finalized. Other than that, Nick and I live two separate lives. 

It was all good.

Well, until…

"Thanks for taking me in for two weeks. I don't really want to join mom and dad for their nth honeymoon vacation." Frankie brought his bags up to the guest room. Nick and I just moved in our new house this month and Frankie was the first to use the new guest room. 

"No problem, Frankster. Just keep yourself comfortable and we'll have lunch ready in a bit." Nick said as he helped his youngest brother with another bag. Frankie opted to stay out of his parents' Europe tour and decided to stay home when Nick and I told him he can stay with us for the entire two weeks.

I smiled and pushed the curtains open for Frankie, "Relax, baby, and we'll call you when lunch is ready."

"Thanks Goldie." He grinned up at me as he took out some stuff he needed. "Don't mind me too much. I'll just keep quiet and be busy and stay out of your hairs."

I laughed, "You're nineteen. Don't cause too much problems, okay?"

Nick grinned, standing up from taking out Frankie's clothes and putting them in the closet. "Hey, we Jonas boys are responsible. Right man?" They gave each other a high five and I stuck out my tongue at them.

"You were drinking at 19, Nicholas." I teased.

Frankie was the one who laughed now, "I drink, Goldie. I'm not a kid anymore." 

I knew that but he will always be my baby Jonas in my eyes.

"Aw." I hugged Frankie, "I know baby."

"Jeez babe," Nick watched us, "Please don't baby our future children." Although he did join our hug and we squeezed Frankie in the middle.

"Alright! Stop stop!" Frankie pushed us away. "I could still accept Joe and Sophie's invitation, you know."

I rolled my eyes, "As if. I'm your favorite, remember?"

Maybe it was because we've known each other longer. Having met Frankie back in late 2006, I formed a good relationship with him like I did with his brothers. Frankie was my favorite Jonas and we had a fun time teasing Nick that when we got together in 2007. The youngest Jonas would message me even when his brother and I broke up and althought I tried to cut all means necessary with the Jonases, Frankie was another story.

It was also the reason why, Nick recounted, when he and I broke up, Frankie refused to speak to him. The young boy felt like he lost me, his only sister, because of Nick's negligence and inconsistency - yes, Frankie Jonas used those words to describe his brother even when Joe and Kevin refused to bring up the topic.

"That's true." Frankie winked at me and he took his laptop and carried it over to his bed, "If anyone needs me, I am just here busy with movies."

We took that as a sign to step out and start with lunch. 

Nick gave me a playful grin, "This is like having a practice kid in the house."

"This is practically the easy mode since he's nineteen." I laughed, snaking an arm around my fiance's waist. It was a Sunday, a rare rest day for me. Nick was only here because I was taking a quick break. "Say, Nicky, since Frankie will be staying with us for awhile, we need to be home early to keep him company."

Nick shook his head and assured me, "Frankie can handle himself. He's fine here."

"Alone?" I frowned slightly.

"Yes, Y/N, alone. He can take care of himself." Nick insisted with a tone of finality. I rolled my eyes, still focused on the idea that we should leave a teenager alone in the house. I don't think that he'd do anything reckless, I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens to him while he's staying with us.

During the first week, Frankie kept himself busy with his friends. He messages me to let me know where he is in case I come home and he isn't around. Nick also gives me a call beforehand to let me know Frankie told me where he was going. The two Jonas brothers were making sure my anxiety doesn't go overboard, they knew full well I'd worry about Frankie.

Mrs. Jonas called to check in on the first Friday and told us all about their trip. They were so thankful to their sons who gave them the tour as a gift.

I was still busy with training by the second week. The Stargazers were packed with fight scenes that it will take us time to learn every move choreography perfectly. 

Once the cast listing was out, there was a heated debate on the actor playing opposite me. Callida wasn't that much described in the book and when she was, it was basically attainable by make up -  She was fiery and full of grit. Having conquered fire, Callida's arms were full of scars but were dependable and strong. She had flaming red hair, which was too red for it to be considered natural. (The Stargazers page 11)

The debate was on Ansel, the Darkbringer. The young man standing over the fire girl was who they called Ansel. He looked chiseled and strong but his beauty was dark and grim, almost reminds you of Hades, god of the underworld. (The Stargazers page 10)

Maybe it was because Ansel was described to be unnaturally beautiful but Ben Barnes didn't disappoint.

"You're doing pretty well, Y/N." He brought me one bottled water when we took a quick water break. He sat beside me and opened his. Our castmates Ezra Miller and Brie Larson were still practicing and trying to perfect a scene. "Go get her Ezra!"

Ezra laughed when he heard that, "Why am I going against Captain Marvel? This is so unfair!"

"Because." Brie swung and Ezra moved with her, "I am the bad guy for once." 

I watched as Brie laugh at something Ezra told her when I felt Ben nudge me. "Hey Y/N." He looked a bit panicked. "You should see this." Ben passed his phone over to me and the headlines were the loudest I have ever seen:

Frankie Jonas injured in car crash in California

Youngest of the Jonas Brothers, Frankie has been injured in the crash and was transported to the nearby hospital for treatment.

I didn't continue reading the article because I could already feel my tears brimming my eyes. I don't think I could read much more so I gave the phone back to Ben before standing up and collecting my things. 

Ezra saw my frantic expression, "Hey hey, Golden what's…"

Brie, who turned to Ben and finished with the article, urged me to go, "I'll tell everyone you have an emergency. Go."

I nodded and thanked them before exiting the building and heading for my car. I could feel my heart race, my lungs constrict, and my blood cold as I fished my keys out of my pocket.

There was no message from Nick. Does he know? Where is he?

Wait for me Frankie. I'm coming.

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