Chapter 10

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When you have a bad day look to the Lord.


Well this was just great! First, my parents get mad at me for spilling the beans about Jace. Then, I found out the three of us are doing an intervention lunch with him and his mom. Not only that, but we are at the same church service and he spilled coffee all over my dress. It was just a plain dark green dress with cap selves that almost hit the floor. It was actually my Christmas dress a few years ago, but it also works as a summer dress as well. Now, there is a big half and half stain all over the front. To top it off I smell of coco beans after I just took a shower.

Jace mumbles something again. 

I just ignore him and run up the stairs. 

I find my mom in the sanctuary praying with my dad.

I tap her on the shoulder.

She doesn't acknowledge me. 

I do it again.

She looks up for a small second and tells me just a minute.

I don't have a minute. I need her now.

I nudge her shoulder harder.

"Serenity Jayne we are in the middle of a prayer! Please show some more respect young lady!"

I suck in a breath. My mom has never talked to me that way before. My dad does it all the time and I am used to it. But never my mom. 

I storm out and run straight into Chelsea Young. Her short blond hair is styled in a perm. She didnt have that on Thursday. She has a round face and pink heart shaped lips. She has brown glasses perched on her nose and her soft blue eyes show sympathy.

"Serenity," she asked," Are you okay?"

My first instinct is to hug her. I don't know why but I just do. I bury my face in her neck and take in her slanderer sent. 

She rubs my back all the while asking me whats wrong.

I pull away and show her the dress.

"You poor thing," she says, "Wait here."

She goes up to my parents and has a quick talk with them. Of course they acknowledge her right away but they couldn't bother with me, their own daughter. It kind of makes me mad.

Once she was done she motions for me to follow her.

I dont ask any questions.

On our way out the door I see Jace and his mom coming up the stairs. He's about to say something but I duck out of his way before he gets the chance. He has already ruined church for me he does not need to do any more damage. 

We walk across the street and into a little two story house. Its like all the others expect theirs is a rust orange with white shutters. All the others are either white, blue, grey, or some kind of brick. It stands out for sure.

We go inside and I am greeted with color. 

Every piece of furniture is a different color as well as the walls. 

The walls in the living room are light blue and the kitchen off to the right is red. There is a brown sectional, a black rocking chair, and a green bean bag in the living room. Pictures and quotes fill up the majority of the space.

We head up stairs and she leads me into the bedroom.

The walls are white and has blue accents. It reminds me of the ocean.

We head into a walk in closet and she gestures around.

"Pick out whatever you like. They wont fit me in a few months anyway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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