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"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12


Free will. Its a concept that brings much confusion and heartache to a Christian. We have the will to make our own choices yet, God has already planned out our entire life since we were placed in our mother's womb. It doesn't make any sense to me. Not only that, but apparently my parents have a will for me as well and its one I have to obey because its one of THE Ten Commandments and those are God's sacred laws.

The reason I know all this is because I am a pastor's daughter. When people find out I am Robert Maverick's daughter I get one of two reactions. 

From the older people who go to our church Karis:

" Oh honey, you are so lucky to have a father who cares not only so much about you but about the community as well."

From the kids who go to my school.

" Damn I would hate to be a pastors daughter. He must be really strict."

Both of those statements are lies. No one knows what really goes on in our home. And I hope to God no one ever does find out. If they do it will be the end not only of our family, but probably our church as well. 

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