Chapter 7

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What if Algebra teachers are really pirates and they are using students to find the X?


Monday is sucking balls. Here are my reasons why.

1. It was Monday of course that was a given

2.  My suspension was over no more being a lazy bum

3. I hate the classes that S is taking. Don't even get me started with that

4. Today starts my first day of tutoring with her. Woopie. 

It was the final class of the day Literature and I was exhausted. I have no idea how teachers expect us to remember all the crap they loaded into brains. Hell, it will be all useless and forget information by the time I leave this classroom. 

I sat in the back of the room like normal and a very hot blond with a big rack sat next me.

"Hi Jace," she purred.

I gave her a curt nod. 

"So I was wondering."

"Thats enough Autumn," Miss Amber our teacher said annoyed. Miss Amber was the youngest teacher on staff not much older than twenty-five but she didn't waste any time or took any shit from anyone.

I will never forget what she said when she first started here my freshman year.

"Hello everyone," she said curtly, " I am Miss Amber. Lets get one thing straight. I am not your friend nor will I ever be.  My bark is not so bad but if you push me around I will push back. Also, every day when you come in I expect you to put your phones or electronics in this hat. Failure to do so will result in detention. You have three strike. If you get a third and your out. You can rejoin the class but you have to do something like the guys in the big bang theory did with Sheldon Copper you either have to take a small class with me or have to write a paper admitting your faults. No one likes to have their faults put out for others to see so I suggest you don't do it. Just follow my rules and everything will be fine. Get it? Got it? Good."

Never had a teacher been so blunt. It made me tolerate her.  Except I hated English. We had to read and write no one wants to do that. Besides what good was knowing that Romeo from Romeo and Juliet was just a stupid horny dumb ass anyways?

Miss Amber pushed her short brown bangs out of her face and perched her green rimmed glasses on her nose. 

"Okay," she said in her lets get down to business attitude, "I know I let you guys get away last week with watching Romeo and Juliet."

Thank fuck I missed that! 

"But now that Jace is back," all eyes turned on me in a glare expect for Serenity's. She didn't show any type of hatred or emotion for that matter. " I am going to be handing out the semester long assignment."

Awe and groans filled the room. Why was she doing a semester long assignment? She has never done something like this before? This was just another thing to add to my very shitty day. And I still had tutoring after this. Fuck me!

Miss Amber walked around the room giving each of us the guidelines on the assignment. I didn't bother to listen to her. If its a semester long project I have plenty of time to turn it in. At the very last second.

"Jace," Miss Amber barked.


"Are you listening to anything I am saying?"



She leaned her hip against her desk and put an elbow on her narrow waist.

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