Chapter 3

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Never allow yourself to be defined by someone else's opinion of you.


Warning Warning Its Your Mother YOUR MOTHER IS CALLING!

I groggily reach for the phone connected to the charger. It fell right onto the floor going straight to voicemail. 

Well that takes care of that.

I burrow into the pillow going back to my wonderful dream. Some random chick was giving me a killer blow job. If only it was reality.

Not even ten seconds later my phone goes off again. 

Waring Warning....

"Jesus Christ," I muttered.

I reached down and managed to answer the phone on the last ring.

"What," I grumbled.

"Good morning to you to honey, thanks for thinking of your poor little old mamma" my mom said dryly. 

Normally I like my mom's dry sense of humor. She could be British if she had the accent.  However, I didn't like it at.... What time is it anyways?

I pull my phone away and checked the screen.

I let out another groan but it sounded more like a hiss.

" Mother," I bit out, " Its seven fifteen in the morning what could possibly be so important?"

She made a hmm sound.

" Oh lets see," she mused, " The fact that I was gone since 11 and you missed my aurora."


She let out a laugh, " Ok. Ok. I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving work and I am on my way home."

I blink. 

Then blink again.

This is when the crickets would chirp if this was a movie because I am confused as fuck.

"Thats it? Thats why you called me?"

Why didn't she just text me.

" You would have ignored my text." She reads my thoughts. Damn mothers do know it all.

" And I wanted to make sure you were up."

"Why," I asked, " Its still summer. I don't have to be up until noon."

She mumbled something about me being dense and not paying attention to dates. I couldn't hear what she said because a second later my phone started going off again. 

Rock you like a hurricane by Scorpion started playing and I knew it was Quaid one of my bros.

" Mom I got to go Quaid is calling me."

"Ok honey don't be late for..."

I hang up before she can finish her sentence and answer Quaid's call.

"What up bro," I greet.

He lets out a breath probably from smoking a cigg then says, " Get your ass to our spot in 10. I am not walking into that prison without you fucker."

The line went dead.

Our spot?


What the.... Ah Fuck! First day back in jail. Great. Just peachy!

I roll out of bed slap on some deodorant and put on my black jeans from yesterday and a grey thermal shirt. 

I slap on a black Bennie to cover up the mess my hair is and grab my cigs and my skate board.

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