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Ashina nodded her eyes scanning the wood line where the general had last been. They would need to end this soon, once and for all.

"Why... could he not have killed me... it would be better than.... Whatever THIS is," Kodama said as she narrowed her eyes at the medic who looked skeptically at her as though she was being overdramatic. She was in a slit throats mood, he did not want to test her.

"Ever heard of the game of cat and mouse? Pretty sure Aries tried it and failed. " Ashina twinged at the memory of his tongue moving slowly across the open wound on her shoulder that was currently being patched.

"Hes going to be the mouse if he tries that shit again and I will look like the cat who got the cream with his blood as my new hair dye." The medic inched away from her clenched fists. He examined her carefully as he patched her up. Besides cuts and bruises, Kodama was almost unscathed. He was just waiting on the results of the transference scan. Ashina sighed quietly as she watched the medic work silently on her shoulder. She would never say it aloud but she knew there was not going to be any waiting around for Aries next move. She could feel him like a fire in her blood, an itch she couldn't scratch. The soldier knew that this would need to end one way or another today.

"Ash," Kodama said using the nickname she never would in battle, "I...I... thanks for before, I dunno how this next is going to turn out...Just... know that I am glad to have known you."

The sniper smirked, her eyes showing far more confidence then she felt. "You act like were going to lose. Screw that noise. I don't know bout you but I plan on having a Ki-Vera-bob"

"I don't think they want to kill us...if they did, I know we could do it...I don't know what they want...I want them to die. I want to watch the light drain from his smirking face"

"There's the Kodama I know." Ashina pulled her fatigues back on over her freshly bandaged shoulder. "Aries was mad I couldn't fight at full potential. That tells me he's bored, and I do hate to disappoint. "

The sniper knew that it would take time to reach "full potential" again from her current injury but that wasn't going to stop her

"I'm going to sleep...and I'll deal with them in the morning," Kodama said as the medic gave her a strange look and she gave a half hearted snarl before hopping off the table and heading to bed. The base had calmed as the Ki-Vera were dealt with for the time being. Since the two of them had gone awhile with no rest, no one cared as Kodama crawled into her bag, fully dressed and fell asleep.

Ashina could not drive the encounter from her mind. The sniper in her called for her to be patient while the American demanded action. Finding a compromise she took up post on the far west side of the encampment, persuading a new arrival of her orders.

Kodama didn't dream, she vividly relived the encounter. She felt the touches, the breathing and her heart beat sped rapidly and she snapped up, silently in a cold sweat. Sleep was not going to come no matter how much she begged, so she got up and took a shower, using that as her alternative to a restful sleep.

Ashina's mind raced as she walked through each Ki-vera encounter, step by step. While watching the terrain her minds eyes followed Aries movements, his twists, his turns and his infuriating smirks. Crimson eyes haunted the woman as she shook her mind free of deeper thoughts. Tomorrow she would meet him once more and it would all be brought to a head.

Kodama stepped out wrapped in a towel, drying her hair. Her mind wandered, the demon dancing through her mind eye. She didn't understand why this encounter weighed so much heavier on her than any other. Was it because he just seemed to be toying with her? The thought made her livid beyond belief, though this far she had been unable to do anything about it... slitting his throat was as natural to her as breathing yet something in her kept her from being able to...which in turn made her want to do it more. She got dressed, quickly before gearing up and heading out to find Ashina. She knew from the neatness of her bag, she had not been to sleep.

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