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Sargent Anderson stormed in, his face red with fury. "Report."
Ashina sighed, pushing away the tray offered to her. "During rotation 2 generals attacked, no soldiers. Fight ensued, Kodama kicked their ass, alarm was sounded, Ki-Vera fled."

"Yes sir, that is what happened," Kodama piped up, keeping the Sergeant's gaze. She had nothing she feared in this world. Respected maybe, feared, never.

The Sarge Anderson growled before turning to a Lieutenant lurking nearby and snapping some orders. The Leader of the Hell Dogs was one that noone argued with and now was no exemption. The man scurried off to carry out the orders, visibly happy to be leaving.

Taking a seat across from the girls the mans face softened considerably. "Damage report."

"Her shoulder," Kodama said flatly, "There were two of them, Generals I think. One was there to cause distraction, the other went after her, so maybe she had something they wanted or thought she knew something." Kodama looked over to her friend with her brow furrowed and concern painting her face.

Ashina muttered something under her breath as she looked away from her two companions. "I'm fine and it's probably because I had the alarm."
Sarge sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Two Generals.....if this was a one target affair then they would only need one.....foot soldiers are good enough destruction and expendable.......You two, medic....go."

"Sarge, I'm fine," Kodama protested and the look he gave her silenced it almost instantly. She stood, not really upset to be leaving her food behind and headed to the medic. For? She had no earthly idea.

Ashina sighed, knowing better then to argue. Climbing to her feet she gave her commanding officer a half hearted salute before heading towards the medic.

The building was near empty as until last night things had been extremely quiet, save for common idiotic mistakes, which meant they had the staff's undivided attention.

Kodama sat back in the chair and felt the familiar pulse of a blood cuff, the only item that worked on her since she had demon blood in her. They drew her blood and started running tests. Transference was the biggest fear that the army had. Fear an alien would corrupt the human mind scared them more than losing a limb.

Ashina stripped her jacket and shirt, sitting on a table in her bra and pants. The shoulder strap had been several revealing several deep claw marks. Lt. Jack shouted at the woman for umpteenth time for finding herself on the table.
The sniper slipped a pair of headphones in, ignoring the rant as he procured his kit and huv light to speed the healing along.

"Kodama, what happened to your ankle?" Came the question that jolted her from her routine check up. She looked down and saw the deep gashes on the ankle that had been grabbed by the Ki-Vera.
"Its nothing," she said calmly though internally she was racking her brain as to how she didnt notice before, "It doesn't hurt," she said looking up at the medic.

"We're going to treat it anyway. Stay here, I'll be right back."

She watched the man walk out of the room hurriedly and she looked over to where Ashina was. She picked up a cotton ball and chunked it at her.

Ashina caught the cotton ball as it entered her peripheral vision. Turning she looked at her battle buddy raising a brow upon noticing the deep cuts along her Achilles.

"I don't even feel it... should I be worried?" Kodama had significantly less experience with the enemy than Ashina did. In fact, of the aliens she had fought, Ki-Vera were the one she had never faced... nor had been told much about. The only thing she knew was that anyone who had fought them, even the low level ones had not lived to tell about it.

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