Chapter 2 "A Break?"

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"The reason why I've called you all here today is because the company has decided to send all 40 of you to Canada for a 3 month long break"

~ complete silence~

"You've got to be kidding me?" Uruha said.

"Does my face look like I am trying to crack a joke Uruha?" The president asked."The company has decided that you guys deserve this break after working so hard for the pass few years"

~complete silence again~

Suddenly everyone in the room started cheering

"HOWEVER" The president interrupted. "There are three conditions for this. The first one is that you guys must hold a joint concert with two shows in Ontario. The second one is that while there you must make at least one song to bring back for your next album. Lastly, during your stay there you must not leave the place that we have arranged for you to reside at. If you all to this then you will be on your way to relaxing for 3 months."

"I knew there was a catch to this" Miku said

"Come one guys, those conditions are totally worth it for a 3 month long break." Jin state

"That's true! All we are doing are those 3 simple things and we get 3 months of freedom" Ruki said

"3 months of freedom" Byou said in a dreamy state.

After a few minutes of thinking everyone raised their hand in agreement to the three conditions

"Okay, since you've all agreed. Is there anything you would like to know about the arrangement?" The President asked

Ko-ki like the energetic kid that he is, was the first to raise his hand "so when will the concert take place?"

"Ah, that's a very good question. The first concert will take place the day after you've arrived and the second one is a week after the first. Then after both concerts finished you will start your 3 months break." The president replied

"Wait so you mean our 3 months officially start after the concert?" Reika asked.


Once again everyone started cheering at the news.

"Any more questions?" The president asked.

Again Ko-ki quickly raised his hand "where will we be staying when we get to Canada?"

"For the first night you will be staying at a hotel. Then after you will be staying at Kei's house. Kei's family has graciously offered to support you guys for all accommodations and meals while in Canada. The only thing you guys need to pay for yourselves is spending." the president told them.

Everyone turned to look at Kei shocked.

"You knew what was going on and you never told us" Ruki exclaimed scandalously.

"What are you talking about Ruki, I told you guys and you all laughed in my face, remember," Kei replied while crossing his arms.

Everyone sweat dropped at his reply.

"Any more question?" The president asked while glancing to the side. "Ko-Ki?"

"Nope no more question, I'm all good...for now" Ko-ki said while whispering the last part quietly.

"Good. You will all be leaving in a week so you should all probably head home to start packing" The president said.

After that every started to leave the room one by one making their way home while thinking about the adventures they will be having during their time in Canada and what they should pack for the trip.

For everyone it is going to be a long week of waiting.

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