Chapter 10: The start of a wonderful adventure............... NOT

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Like any other day during summer vacation I would be still be sleeping in my super big and super comfortable bed at home right now, but not today instead I am crammed into a large bus with a whole bunch of loud, crazy and makes me want to kill them JRocker boys. Why you may ask am I in this predicament, well let me tell you the story from the beginning then.

It was a nice summer day and the sun was just rising, me, like any other normal person in the world was still sleeping in my big comfy bed. It was at 4:00am or maybe it was 5:00am, oh I don't know I was too sleepy to properly check the time. Anyways at that time my door was suddenly kicked, okay more like slammed, opened and in walked who knows who. Before I knew what was happening I was awoken from my beauty sleep, my blankets were ripped off of me and I was yanked out of my bed. Then the unknown person proceeded to shove me into the bathroom so I could clean myself and change. Once I was finished cleaning up the unknown person once again proceeded to drag me from the door towards who know where. It was only until after 20 minutes did I find out I was on a moving bus with the Jrocker's.

Now you may find it strange that I didn't know who it was that dragged me out of bed but when you are so tired to the point where even coffee can't help you everything turns into a blur. Even now, 3 hours after we had started our road trip, I still don't know who that person was, but when I find out that persons life is going to turn into living hell. I'll make sure of it. I thought to myself without realizing that I had a really scary and creepy smile one my face.

I was suddenly pull from my though when Kouki asked " Hey Miyuki what are you thinking about? You got this really creepy smile on your face."

Looking at Kouki I replied with an evil smile " hmm, oh nothing much just thinking of ways to murder the person who woke me up this morning without being caught, but now that I think about it, that would be letting the culprit off easy. Maybe I should just think of ways to make that persons life a living hell. Ahhh that seems like a better idea, thanks for the help Kouki." After I said this I noticed the area around me grew very quiet, even Ruki and Bou who ended up sitting beside shuffled away a little bit.

Seeing their reaction I said to them " Hey guys, no need to be so serious I was just kidding....." After hearing that it was a joke they all started to relax and some of them even started laughing. Me being the sweet but evil little girl that I am couldn't let this wonderful chance go to waste so i quickly added "... about the murder part." once again the boys around me became really quiet. Oh man this was getting good, they are so easy to fool. Not really wanting to stop the fun yet I continued smiling at the boys creepily while pulling out my notebook and started writing down my plans to torture the unknown suspect of my morning wake up nightmare. The guys near me started to shift away from me even more.

'Ah this really is too fun' I though while I continued to laugh on the inside. Putting the pen on my bottom lip while making a thinking pose I asked " So..... I almost forgot to ask but who was it that woke me up this morning?"

All the guys suddenly tensed at my question. Looking around at each other they all mentally decided together that it was better to give up  that person for the greater good. However, unknown to me their was one person (the culprit) who didn't agree with the greater good plan. With a nod to each other everyone around me, who was part of the conversation, except for the culprit said at the exact same time " It was..........KOUKI!"

I slowly turned my head, in a really creepy horror doll kind of fashion, to Kouki who was trying to make himself as small as possible in hopes that he can hide from me. Too bad for him I have perfect eyesight and can see him perfectly fine. With my wonderfully creepy smile I called out in a nice sweet singing voice "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Kouuuuukiiiiiiii."

Kouki looked at me with fearful eyes. I slowly leaned in towards him over the seat and whispered into his ears while waving the notebook in his face " watch yourself Kouki I will be having my fun with you later." I gave him my creepiest laugh and start leaning back into my seat when I suddenly turned around and shouted " BOO." Kouki who was too scared to comprehend exactly what was happening jumped up in fright while screaming. Not being able to hold it in anymore I finally burst out laughing.

Now feeling really tired I gave a big yawn and said to the guys " thanks for the entertainment that was really fun. Let's do it again sometime. I'm going to take a nap now."

Ruki who finally understood the whole situation look at me with wide eyes and said. " wait so you were just kidding?" Everyone else looked at me waiting for a response. I gave a big yawn again, closed my eyes and murmured, in a soft voice with a genuine smile on my face, " maybe" before I fell into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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