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* Miyuki Age: 23 years old

Miyuki is a Music/ Dance major at a famous arts University in Toronto, Canada. She is half Japanese, a quarter Korean and a quarter Chinese. She is able to speak English, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin fluently. To everyone that knows her she is know as the "Happy Fluff ball" because they think that she is the cutes thing in the world and that it seem nothing can get her down. Ever since she was little Miyuki loved music, which is the reason why she plays 5 different instruments; Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano and Violin. She has a younger twin brother named Satoru and an older brother named Kei, who is the vocalist for the band Xeno. Miyuki is also a big fan of the GazettE.

* Satoru Age: 23 years old

Satoru is Miyuki's Younger twin brother. He is a Music/ Music Tech major at the same university as Miyuki. Like Miyuki he can speak English, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin. To everyone he is known as the "Ice Prince" for his cold and unfriendly attitude toward everyone but his family and friends. He is very protective of Miyuki and will do anything to keep her safe. Even though he is not a dance major Satoru is actually a very good dance and is always seen performing with Miyuki and their friends. He is able to play the guitar, bass and piano.

* Hitomi Age: 22 years old

Hitomi is Satoru's girlfriend and Miyuki's Best friend. She is in the same major as Miyuki. Hitomi is Japanese Canadian and is able to speak both Japanese and English. To everyone she is know as the "wicked witch" for always speaking her mind and being rude to everyone except for her family and friends. Like Satoru she is very protective of Miyuki and will do anything to protect her from people who want to hurt or contaminate her innocent little heart.

* Kei (Xeno's vocalist) Age: 35 years old

Kei is Miyuki and Satoru's older brother. He is the vocalist of the famous Visual Kei band Xeno. Kei moved to Japan when he was 20 to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. While in Japan he met his fellow band members and debuted with PS Company 5 years later. Even though he lives in Japan he would always take time off during his siblings birthday to visit. Most of time bring along the rest of the band with him. He is very protective of his siblings, especially Miyuki, and is known to have a sister complex because of it.

* Aki (Xeno's Lead Guitarist) Age: 35 years old

Aki is one of the guitarists for Xeno. He treats Miyuki and Satoru like is own siblings and every year he would go visit them for their birthday with the rest of the band. He is usually the one that keeps Kei's sister complex in check. He is very close to Miyuki.

* Sai (Xeno's Rythum Guitarist) Age: 34 years old

Sai is the other guitarist for Xeno. He is like a mentor/ older brother to Miyuki.

* Taki (Xeno's Bass) Age: 30 Years old

Taki is the bassist of Xeno. He is like a mentor to Satoru and is very close with the Twins.

* Rei (Xeno's Drummer) Age: 28 years old Rei is the drummer and youngest member of the band because of that the others always treat him like a baby. He is very good friends with Miyuki and Satoru and tends to hang out with them a lot when they meet.


* The GazettE

* ScRew

* D=Out

* SuG

* AnCafe

* ViviD

* Alice Nine

* Xeno (Not a real band, Created by me)

More bands might be added as the story goes on.

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