∞ Chapter 5 ∞

Start from the beginning

"Five more minutes!" He growled irritated,

"Taylor!" I said losing my temper now, too.

"What?!" He said in a muffled scream, because his face was berried in my neck, making me shiver slightly.

I opened my mouth but slowly closed it back, I felt my knees go weak, like I would fall if I wasn't laying in bed now.

"I want to get out of bed." I finally managed, my voice cracking a little at the end, hopefully Taylor didn't notice.

"But you're my human pillow now. So stay." He tightened his grip, and I rolled my eyes even though he wouldn't see it.

"I'm just saying, if you're gonna kick us out at least give us back the money!" My heart stopped for a second when I heard the oh-so-familiar voice of a women I hated with a passion.

" Oh stop waining. Thank god they didn't call the cops, you can act like such a spoiled bitch sometimes!" A manly voice answered her,

"Taylor! Your parents are here you asshole! Move!" I whispered in panic, desperately trying to get free from his arms.

"Wait what?" He jumped out of bed making me fall in the process,

"Taylor honey! Did you wake up yet?" His mum screamed from down stairs, I could hear her walking in high heels towards Taylor's room,

"Quick! In the closet!" Taylor whispered to me and pushed me inside his closet, closing the door at the exact same moment when his mum opened his bedroom's door.

I closed my eyes shut, if she'd find me- the fag who took away her dead son's normality and turned him gay - inside her only straight son's closet.. Well.. Let's just say it won't be pretty.

They talked for a few long moments, but I couldn't really hear anything. The next thing I know the closet's door opened and I freeze.

"Its okay, its me." I hear Taylor's voice, I open my eyes and sigh in relief. Taylor opens his arms, inviting me for a hug. I look suspiciously at them, I could still remember how uncomfortable I felt when he held me. So I decide to ignore them and walk out of the closet past him, I could already imagine Taylor's confused face, but instead when we both turn around to face each other, I see something else.

"Uhm.. Well.. You should probably go." He rubs the back if his neck and tilts his head a little.

"Yeah, I should." I said, secretly irritated. I should've had the whole day to spend with him, but because of his stupid homophobic parents I had to leave early. God knows when will I ever get to meet Taylor again. Now all I can do is just go back to staring at objects.

"So I guess... See you around?" He asks. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him,

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." I grab my phone and text my dad to come pick me up from the park,

"Help me out," I look up at Taylor from my phone,

You could easly get in and out Taylor's room using the window, but only with help, if you try it on your own it won't work, oh well it will, but you'll probably get hurt.

He forces a smile, "yeah sure."

As I reached the park I looked around for my dad's car, knowing he should be here any minute.

"Devin!" I turn around to see who called my name, to my surprise it was Tanner.

"Hey," I nod my head at him and shove my hands into my jacket's pockets.

Tanner was a good friend of Mark's, but I never really got a chance to know the guy better.

"How was it? I mean-"

"Yeah I know what you mean. I was fine, Taylor dropped by."

"Taylor?" His eyes widen in surprise, "hell I didn't even think he lives in town anymore! He's always so busy I bet he forgot what the sun looks like."

"Yeah well, he does remember. I think.. Didn't ask him."

Tanner opened his mouth but that's exactly when my dad arrived.

"See you Monday?" Tanner asked me as I shut the car's door and rolled down the window,

"I suppose."

He nodded and we drove away. To avoid dad's questions I turn on the radio and Happy little pill plays loudly, allowing me to get lost in my own world.

I don't think Taylor realized what he was doing this morning, he was probably still half asleep, but the uneasiness in his eyes gave him away, yeah maybe he didn't realize it at the moment, but he defiantly remembered it later on.

I sigh and try to open the car's door as my dad parks in our driveway, but he locks it.

"Uhm.. Dad, you sorta locked the door." I say and bite my lower lip, I knew exactly where this was going.

"Did something happen?" He asked me, his eyes cold.

"What? No! What are you talking about?"

"Then why do you look like a trapped dog trying to escape?"

"Well gee, I don't know! Maybe because its two months since the car accident, and I'm still not doing any better? Fuck this. Let me out I'm tired." I try my best not to raise my voice but probably failed.

"No. Look Devin maybe we shou-"
"Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.." My phone rang, it was to my surprise Taylor's number.

"I have to take this." I say and try to open the car's door again, this time my dad unlocked it. I was so happy for the distraction.

"Hey," I answer.

"We need to talk." He said flatly,

"No hey? Okay then. I see. No problem. Remember this. Next time I wo-"

"Okay okay, hey to you too."

"When?" He was 'too busy' for me up until now, suddenly he had all the time in the world?

"How about, in like... 2-3 hours? Is that okay with you?"

I pretended to think about it, I was a lifeless freak, I obviously had all the free time in the world, but this was just for show.

"Yeah sure, I'll try."

"Kay great, talk to you later!" He hang up before I could say another word.

Pfff, rude.

I quickly made my way upstairs to my room and crushed on my bed, feeling lonely since I didn't have Mark anymore to cuddle with.

Deciding I should take a shower I got up and stripped on my way there. I stood there letting the warm water wash away all my pain and stress, and so I took the longest and nicest shower ever.

I Lose And I Gain. (BoyXBoy) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now