A wave of electricity shot through the two, Casey and Jackson watching, "crud."

"That vile is mine!" The duplicate yelled and did his best to run towards it.

Jackson instantly ran to deal with him as Veracity helped Ryan up, "what are you doing?"

"This," Alyssa riposted. The two sisters, in sync, slammed down the cage that held the vile in its place, "stand back!"

"Kenzie, aim the Mech X chest blast thing you told me about at the center!" Casey ordered.

"The X weapon?!" Mark inquired incredulously.

"Mackenzie's never used that before! What if she gets hurt?!" Harris asked frantically.

"I'm going up there." Ryan decided, not wanting his cousin to become severely injured.

"Ryan so help me I will pin you to that wall, stay your butt down here!" Alyssa demanded.

"That scarred me across my chest, think about what it will do to her!" He clapped back.

"Ryan, get up here, Mackenzie go help Casey and Alyssa." Mark made his own remark.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." Mackenzie reassured her family members, sending them a smile. Her calm demeanor had soothed both brothers temporarily. Ryan gave a short nod, "okay, just be--agghhhh!"

His body was engulfed by a blue aura that prevented him from moving. Jackson was struggling to get up, his anger rising at the sight. The duplicate's hands slowly held his host in place as he said, "think very carefully about your next move, if you destroy that and I can't have it, he dies."

"Ryan!" Mark and Mackenzie shouted worriedly, the others down below wary of their next plan of action.

"No!" Spyder yelled. He immediately activated the right side of his weapons station, his hands moving quick. Swiftly sliding fingers, he launched the plasma balls. The double screamed in pain as his back was hit and he landed to the floor with a thud, bringing the actual pilot down with him. The two Ryans panted while Casey pulled a power move.

"What are you doing?" Her sister asked. Casey did not respond, only acted upon her thinking. She broke open the vile and casted her abilities onto it. The force began to create a black hole in the center of the room, sucking anything in its path. Everyone held onto each other for dear life, not looking to be swallowed up. Alyssa looked towards her sibling, "Casey!"

"Aaahhhh!" The strength of the contents in the vile was too strong, it could easily overtake anyone that stood alone.

"Everybody get back, guys hold on!" Mackenzie shouted. Spyder clinged to his seat and Mark held onto the steel ledge tightly.

Ryan's clone was barely hanging on and so was Ryan. The real pilot inched foward as best as he possiblh could, trying to hold onto whatever was remaining in place. A hand grabbed his ankle and halted his plans, making him face his deplorable twin, "if I'm going down, I'm not going alone."

Letting go and a hard yank sent the two flying. Ryan's grip slipped, causing his eyes to increase in size in fear. He felt himself slipping away, the force seeming to swallow him whole. People tried to grab him, but they risked getting sucked in themselves and the strength of the hole only grew. From there, everything began feeling as if it were slow motion.
Ryan saw the distraught, anxiety filled faces staring back him. He then gave the robot one last look as a final goodbye. If this was the way it ended, he ended it the right way. With a deep breath and his eyes closed, he took a moment. He reflected on everything that has ever happened to him and the team. His eyes are brimmed with tears, the tears which had threatened to spill a long ways back. It was then, that those very same eyes now were glowing a deep, dark purplish blue.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" His battle cry rang throughout the sector, echoing so loud that you could not rival it. He, in a superhero style landing, flipped and hit the ground. Electricity wrapped around his doppelganger, who like everyone else was not sure whether to be shocked or afraid. He however made his choice rather quickly when his breathing became hitched and hard to control. Ryan eyed him menacingly, strolling to him slowly, "never. come. back."

Control was fully restored, and this realisation sent chills down the double's spine. Standing straight as a flag pole, the real technopath was nose to nose with him. They were silent for a second, and after it passed, the duplicate dared to ask with a quiet gulp, "my fate?"

Ryan gave him one last response, his voice dark and nightmare worthy, "death." He pushed him immediately in such heavy strength without moving an inch. He watched his twin being consumed by the darkness, his own defeat. His disappearance assured that he was gone, he was washed away. Casey closed the hole and collasped to the floor, panting heavily. Every person in sight was breathing, it was all they could do.
The technopathic pilot's eyes shined with pride for his peers despite his blank expression. The dark, purplish blue that overtook the situation moments ago was still there. He did not speak, he did not move, he did not even blink. His cousin, brother, and best friend from above kept their eyes on him, wondering over his next move. Harris did the same, pondering if he should say something. Ryan's head suddenly snapped towards Casey, who was on the ground. She coughed consistently for a bit from all of the strength she had used up when a shadow covered her from head to toe. Her eyes met his, and for once she had no snarky comment. All he had done was offer his hand. She took it and allowed him to pull her up.
The two did not look away, as if communicating through their minds. A small smile reached both of their faces and they turned back to their comrads. Alyssa stepped up to the duo first. Her attention went to Ryan, who did not say anything, and then to her sister, who she could have lost only mere seconds ago. Casey, being Casey, was about to let her have it. Instead, she received an embrace that was long overdue. Casey froze at the contact, not certain on now to take it. Her head said to keep it short and play it off, but she chose to listen to her instincts and hug her back.
Ryan tilted his head slightly and his smile grew bigger at the sight. He momentarily spotted Harris, whose grin was plastered from ear to ear. He then turned to Harper, and the smile faded. His eyes still shined with the same hue, making the billionaire assume that this was his death bed. He prepared for the worst, eyes squeezed shut for the oncoming hits. They never came, nothing took place. Seth opened one eye, then the other, and said, "uuuuuhhhhmmmm....are-" The reaction he got shut him up. He looked down to see a hand in front of him. The rich guy shook it and saw that the kid (excuse him, teen) showed no hostility.
Veracity watched the pair, biting her lower lip and having her thoughts constantly go back and forth. This caught Ryan's attention, and he made his way over to her. Her face begged the question, "do you trust him?" He never verbally said his answer, nor did he physically. His only next move was looking up to Mech X4. Mackenzie smiled at him, as did Spyder. He leaned over, making it clear that he was trying to look at his brother. Mackenzie chuckled at his actions and turned back to Mark, who chuckled afterwards and shook his head. Then Ryan's eyes fell back on the poor blonde, who did not know what to feel. With no words, he simply hugged her, a warm embrace that felt all too familiar. Hesitantly, but comfortably, she returned the gesture. The other guardians gave each other a positive glance, happy to be alive.

Versus Vengence Part 2Where stories live. Discover now