Chapter 22

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Sailor moon POV

Suddenly, we heard Ann growl behind us. I turned around to see her jump up from her seated position with a sharp tree root in her hand that seemed wrapped in a pink glow.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, she lunged at me. The scouts grabbed me and pushed me out the way, while they also jumped different ways. I groaned as I fell onto the concrete floor. My knees were badly scraped. Great.

I got up and turned around as I heard Ann growl once more. Darien, or tuxedo mask (what a weird name) had Ann's arms pinned behind her back, and the other generals went to help the scouts. Ann kept struggling and growling.

Finally, she growled in frustration and screamed.

"Who the hell are you!?"

Nobody bothered to answer her. Tuxedo mask turned to me.

"What do we do with her?" My eyebrows rose at the question.

"Well... I don't know actually."

"You don't know? What does that mean?"

"It means that I don't know. Usually we don't have the enemy trapped, it's more like the other way around." I shot him a sheepish smile.

He grinned back. I would never hear the end of this.

"Well, for the meantime, I guess we can put her in the room we were tied up in until we figure something out. I mean, I don't want to kill her, maybe I could cleanse her of the evil she has." I shrugged. I feel like I'm forgetting something.

As Tuxedo mask began to pull her towards the room, a blue energy ball was shot their way. I quickly threw my tiara and it collided with the energy ball, making another small explosion a few feet away from them. I sighed.

"Your not taking her anywhere."

I turned around to see Alan, looking disgruntled and as if he were about to pass out. I mentally face palmed. That's what I was forgetting. How could I forget about the other enemy?

He turned towards me, and gave me an evil grin.

"Oh miss moon, you don't know what your in for." He raised his hand. A tree root lifted off the ground and the sharp tip headed towards me. On instinct, I jumped out of the way and pulled out my sword.

He sent tree root after tree root, and I cut all of them down one by one. His eyes seemed to glow completely blue. I was frightened, but I didn't show it. I couldn't let him know. Seeing me scared would only give him more motivation.

I grunted as a tree root slammed into my stomach. Staggering back a few steps, I regained my footing and ignored the wild turmoil going on in my stomach. I have a feeling my dinner might make a reappearance soon. I swallowed down the bile in my throat.

Suddenly, Alan sent tree root after tree root, to fast to dodge. I ended up laying on my stomach in the ground, directing my eyes to see the other scouts and generals lying on the ground too. Alan had Ann next to him, protecting her from the tree roots. My vision was all blurry, and I was pretty sure I had cuts everywhere. I blew hair out of my face that fell out of my bun hairstyle. My hair was basically a wild mess.

"Well, little miss sailor moon, it sucks to be on the receiving end, doesn't it?" Alan was all up in my face. He smirked when I didn't reply, to weak to form words.

He walked over to Tuxedo mask, and picked him up by the neck. Tuxedo mask clawed at Alan's hand, making Alan grip harder. I stared in horror as his midnight blue eyes seemed to be in a haze.

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