Chapter 6

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-Serena POV-

"Well that's different...."

The youma was a big lion with a lot more teeth than it should have and red devilish looking eyes. It had really long claws and the end of its tail looked like an arrow head.

It started snarling, showing it's ugly teeth. My first instinct was to lead it outside and away from all these people. I can't let this monster hurt all these people, or I will never forgive myself.

"Scouts! We need to lead this youma outside and away from these people!" I yell so the girls can hear me over the snarling lion.

"On it!" Jupiter yells and throws lighting at the lion to catch it off guard.

We all run outside and, as expected, the youma followed us. The others call out their attacks and it hits the youma dead on. It still isn't really weak enough to use my wand. At least everyone's safe... Wait.. Why did they all come running out here?! Just then I remember that there were news reporters here.

'Of course! These people are willing to get hurt just to get a good story! How can people be so stupid! It just irritates me!'

I run in front of them so they can at least be a little protected.The youma turns my way and jumps in the air to attack me. I can't let that happen! Not with all these people behind me!

'Think! Come on! You have to come up with something! You're freaking Sailor Moon for goodness sakes!'

Everything seems to happen in slow motion.The lion is slowly coming closer and closer. I see the look of fear on everyone's faces, including the scouts. Then it comes to me! I close my eyes and can hear the words echoing in my mind...

"Crescent Moon Shield!" I yell as I open my eyes. I can feel my crescent moon symbol shining brightly on my forehead as I hold out my hands. A shield immediately surrounds me and the people behind me. The lion hits the shield and flys backwards, slamming into a car. It's lies on the ground motionless, almost like its dead. But then it gets back on its feet, it's legs wobbling.

"Sailor Moon! Now!" Sailor Venus yells.

I get my wand out and hold it up in front of me, pointing it at the lion.

"Moon Princess Halation!"

The power shoots towards the lion, and in a second it is moon dusted.

I sigh in relief. That was a tough one.

"I guess we underestimated you, Sailor Moon..."

I immediately turn around and see those alien weirdos.

"What do you want!?" Sailor Mars yells.

"Isn't it obvious?" the boy says. "We want energy...and this planet has just the kind we are looking for..." He says with a cocky grin.

I glare at them. "You do know we will defeat you, one way or another!" I say angrily.

"Tsk,tsk Sailor Moon. I don't think you're in any position to threaten us, at least, not with all these people around.." The girl flashes an evil smile.

My eyes widen and I grit my teeth. "You wouldn't." I spit out.

"Oh, but you know I would. I could summon another youma right here, right now if I wanted to." She's stares me in the eyes and says threateningly " Watch your back, Sailor Moon..."

And then they're gone.


-Darien POV-

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