Chapter 12

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-Normal POV-

Serena didn't say anything. She stood completely still with eyes wide, she wasn't even breathing. All you could hear was Luna's heavy breathing through the communicator. After a few seconds of silence, Serena snapped out of the shock and she looked at the communicator with determined eyes.

"I'm on my way, call the others, stay where you are Luna I don't want you getting hurt, Moon out"

She snapped her communicator shut. All her anger and rage was bubbling up inside her as she clutched her broach in her hand. She felt like she was about to explode with anger. NOBODY messes with her family!

"Moon Crystal Power, Make-Up!!"

She yelled at the top of her lungs.

As her transformation finished, she was about to run off until Darien grabbed her wrist. She turned around, shocked that she completely forgot he was there.

"I'm gonna go too." Darien said in a very serious tone.

"No Darien, it's too dangerous, I don't want you getting hurt!" She yelled at him.

"Listen, you don't have time to argue about it, so just take me with you"

He was right, she didn't have time for this. She had to get to her family. She sighed.

"Fine, but stay hidden and out of the way, got that?" He nodded.

"Okay, jump on my back." She crouched down so he could jump on.

"What?" he said,  a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Darien I don't have time for this! Are you coming or not!?" She was growing very impatient.

He sighed then jumped on her back quickly.

"Hold on tight!" she yelled.

Before he had time to wonder what was gonna happen, they were flying through the air, heading for a rooftop. He screamed, half amazed and half scared. He tightened his grip on her.


That's how they went, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, until they made it to Serena's house. Sailor Moon dropped Darien off on the sidewalk in front of the house and told him to hide. As Darien ran off, she barged in through the door.

Her heart broke at the sight. The living room was completely destroyed, and her family was tied to chairs with some kind of vine. They were beaten and dirty, a river of tears rolling down their cheeks. They had cloths in their mouths, but she could still hear their muffled sobs. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears at the sight.

"Nice of you to join us, Sailor Moon..." Ann said with an evil smile.

"What do you want?" Sailor Moon spat through grit teeth.

"Oh..." The pink haired alien chuckled. "I think it's pretty obvious."

Sailor Moon crossed her arms over her chest. "No, I don't think it is..."

"Being stubborn now are we?" Ann tapped her chin, as if in thought.

"I want you to stop getting in our way, or the consequences could be fatal..." As she talked she walked in front of the chair Sammy was tied to, slowly raising her hand close to his face.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Sailor Moon yelled, but it was too late. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Ann slapped Sammy full force and he fell back in his chair. His head hit the floor. Hard. And he fell unconscious.

That was the last straw for Sailor Moon, as all the built up rage in her burst out. She called upon the imperial crystal sword to appear. Her crescent moon symbol was shining brighter than it ever has before. Her eyes did not look like they belong to her, those once caring,forgiving eyes full of anger and hatred. With sword in hand, she charged at the pink alien bitch.


Well....theres chapter 12. Please comment and give your opinion on this story! I would greatly appreciate it! Hope you enjoyed!


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