Good thing it didn't last long.

It was new. In fact, everything was new to Jennie, the way she started to feel is new to her; for Jisoo to be the first idea that comes to her mind when she wakes up and the last one when she goes to sleep, to be eager to talk to her and wishing that Jisoo finishes her job quickly so that she could sit with them, to feel the constant desire to be with and near her, to sometimes finds herself staring at her.

And after learning how it feels like sleeping next to Jisoo, sleeping in her own room alone has become difficult, which sometimes made her go to Jisoo's room to sit with her and ending up chatting all night until they fall asleep, beside each other.

In the end, sleep is very important, isn't it?

Or at least that's what she convinces herself with..

Yet, Jennie knows better than to confuse her feelings towards people, she knows that this feeling is not love, not in a romantic way. And it's not just a friend's love for their friend, it's greater than that.

How can she be so sure?

Well, feelings are complex anyway, and feeling in a certain way doesn't mean something specific.

It's the feeling of safety and comfort that combines her whenever she remembers that Jisoo is a few meters away from her or that if she wants to, she can find her easily, the feeling of belonging to someone you know very well that they're the best thing that ever happened to you in your life and will happen, a feeling of stability and what the family is supposed to provide.

The feel of fulfillment, for someone to be enough for you.

She wished that her mother was still alive so she could tell her that she was right, she has indeed found that cocoon that makes her stronger.

And can she just say...Jisoo is such an affectionate person. So sweet, so gentle.. so warm, yet so strong. She literally feels like she's fangirling over her internally most of the time.

Jennie also knows that both Lisa and Chaeyoung feel the same, that Jisoo has now become an essential part of their lives. Because she isn't the only one who has her life changed, Jisoo accepted them and contained them, she didn't judge them, and welcomed them with an open arms.

Well, maybe she feels a little bit more than them.. a little bit,


She's glad that she has learned more and more about Jisoo,

Throughout this past week, Jennie noticed several things about Jisoo, including: her love for chicken; in every meal her dishes should contain chicken even if it's just a salad. We are not talking about just one dish, most of the dishes contained chicken. She looks at it as a lover looks at their beloved.

Jisoo also has a great sense of humor. Although she's calm most of the time, she sometimes behaves in a certain way or says certain phrases that make her unable to stop laughing.  She doesn't know whether she herself is so silly or Jisoo's jokes are really funny, what she knows is that she laughs at the simplest childish thing that Jisoo does. She might be worse than Lisa in this department if she isn't like her - and she means it in a good way -.

The difference is that she can hold herself from laughing if Lisa tells a joke and pretends that it was not funny to provoke her, but if it's Jisoo, then it's another story.

she herself doesn't realize this.

On mentioning Lisa, Jennie had to write a hidden note in her mind not to leave Jisoo alone with Lisa.  These two make a terrible team, epecially since Lisa's foolishness and playfullness is contagious and therefore affects Jisoo. 

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