04 - camden is forgiving

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Camden sighs, struggling to push the spatula through the homemade wax mixture with her left hand

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Camden sighs, struggling to push the spatula through the homemade wax mixture with her left hand. Over the past few weeks, Camden has been struggling to complete her daily routine due to the bright green cast covering her right wrist and forearm. 

Since the incident with the Laurent guy, Camden has been in constant agony. First for the surgery she needed to reset her wrist in place and second for her dislocated shoulder. Camden had never broken a bone before as she grew up being cautious of her every move, so she was never impulsive. 

Hence, her shock and disbelief that she had the nerve to punch someone. Camden has never been a violent person, no matter the situation. 

Whether her anger was aimed towards her mother or just a bad day, she would never react violently. She had never thrown a punch before and assumed her extensive injuries were due to her improper technique, because no human's face could injure someone's hand like it did. 

The image of red eyes and his astounding speed force their way into her mind. Camden shakes her head with tense shoulders, she was done thinking about that day in the forest. 

A message notification from her phone alerts Camden of Bella's arrival. She stares at the screen until it switches itself off from disuse. She hadn't spoken to Bella in person since she drove her to the hospital. A shudder runs down her spine at the memory - the pained cries, red hot agony coursing through her arm and the fear of the unknown. 

"Come on in, Bells," Camden calls out, seeing her petite figure standing behind the fly screen door. 

"Hey Cam," Bella's voice is hesitant as she pulls the fly screen open and steps into the hallway, "I brought the cornflour like you asked."

Bella lifts the cardboard box in her hand with a slight shake and Camden smiles at her softly.

 "Come, sit. Let's start."

Camden leaves the wax on the table, turning to the coffee pot and fills up two mugs, one half way and the other to the brim. She carries Bella's coffee over first, placing it on the table with a shaky hand before doubling back for her own. 

Bella murmurs her thanks and begins to pour the cream into her cup alongside two sugars, "Is this your second coffee for the day?"

Camden snorts as she settles in beside Bella on the couch. "Try the second pot."

The younger girl sends her a scolding look over the brim of her cup and Camden just giggles in response. Sure, she liked coffee a bit too much but this morning's pot had been to keep her eyes open. 

Ever since the day in the forest, Camden could barely shut her eyes for five minutes without seeing the man or those creatures, both with fangs and deadly eyes. She was too scared to sleep alone and even with her aunt, it was only for an hour at best. 

"I haven't been sleeping much," At Bella's cautious look, Camden feels herself growing frustrated, "Look, Bells. I know you don't want to talk about it but I can't keep lying to my family or to myself." 

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