02 - camden is determined

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Camden hung upside down on Isabella Swan's double bed with her frizzy curls touching the hardwood floor. Her doe eyes seek out the brunette's slouched figure as she sighs in irritation, waiting for the other girl's attention.

Her eyes glance over the upside down room in boredom, taking in the lime coloured walls and overcrowded shelves. A relatively new stereo covered with scratch marks and broken wires lay under a torn shirt in the brunette's trash bin.

Camden raises her eyebrow in curiosity before focussing on the desk where a mountain of books - both for entertainment and educational purposes - and countless sheets of paper lie in a messy pile.

"Have you ever watched five minute organisation hack videos on youtube? I think it could really help you out," Camden's voice is rough and amused as she watches Bella's back tense and her right hand twitch over the computer mouse before Camden was ignored once more.

A month ago, Camden never would have thought she'd be in lying on Isabella Swan's purple sheets for hours on end. She never would've known that beneath the love struck and depressed shell of a girl, lived a humorous and kind hearted soul who had quickly become Camden's best friend.

Their friendship consisted of the two girls either sitting in silence doing their own projects or completing chores around the Swan residence. Their friendship wasn't the most thrilling to the outside eye but it brought light to both girls' hearts and it wouldn't have been possible without the meddling of Sheriff Swan.

It began with Camden's aunt referring Dr Cheng as a helpful and relatively affordable therapist for Bella when Charlie had begun to express his concern to her at the station. Despite her aunt being Charlie's deputy, Camden only associated the man as her saviour from her mother's abuse.

Perhaps this was why when Charlie approached her a month prior with the request that she befriend his daughter, she agreed. Camden wasn't sure if it was because she felt like she owed the Sheriff for his act of kindness or whether it was because she felt a genuine interest in the heartbroken girl.

Despite agreeing with Charlie to befriend his daughter, Camden had been hesitant because she knew how reluctant she would be to have a friend assigned to her by her parent. She had been when her aunt had assigned Jessica Stanley as her personal buddy during her hospital stay and has despised the bubbly girl ever since.

Camden was thinking of how she could politely inform the Sheriff how she couldn't go through with his request when she saw the scared Swan girl shaking in the therapy building's waiting room. Without hesitating, the older girl made her way over the spare seat beside her and just offered a box of tissues.

Bella had been embarrassed and turned away as she cleaned up the remains of her anxiety attack with a handful of tissues. While she was cleaning herself up to her own liking, Camden had taken the time settle in beside her and think of what to say.

Camden had never given much thought to Bella's arrival to Forks and aside from the friendly smiles exchanged in the classes, the two girls never crossed paths. She had rattled her brains for a topic that could interest the both of them or even a simple greeting but instead, Camden had confessed Charlie's proposition to her.

Bella had froze on the armchair before she seemed to pull herself together in a blink and faced Camden with a forced smile and red eyes.

"I don't need Charlie assigning me a babysitter, I'm fine. I'm already attending therapy, what more could he want?" Had been her outburst and Camden felt compassion for the girl.

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