Chapter Two

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Armin, Mikasa, and Eren walked away from the school bundled up in their winter coats. It was especially cold out today and they hated every bit of it. "Eren, is your dad going to be home today?" Armin asked trying to break the awkward silence between the three. "No. I don't know the next time he'll be home, and honestly I don't care when or if he comes back." He said,
"Eren! You're dad is the only one making money now. He may disappear for a while but he has to come back to make sure we have enough money for food." Mikasa said. Eren huffed in response. And once again there was silence. No one said anything after that, no one really wanted to say anything. Annie had put them all in a bad mood.
After awhile of walking they made it to the apartment building where Armin lived. Once he was inside, Mikasa and Eren walked to their house which wasn't too far away. Walking there felt like forever though.
Annie had been running for her house as fast as she could. She was already late and didn't want her father to be mad at her. The blonde girl ran as fast as her feet could carry her. Her usual blank look on her face turned into a look of what could almost be fear as she neared her house.
There it was, so close. She ran inside imminently dropping her bag onto the floor. The house seemed empty. "Dad?" She called in a shaky voice. No reply. He must be in the backyard, then.
Annie's house was right next to the woods. Her dad made her train in the woods everyday before and after school. Normally she skipped the last 5 minutes of last period so she could make it to her house on time. Her dad always made her train at a specific time and would always get mad at her if she didn't show up on time. She just hoped he wouldn't lash out like last time. Annie's father had anger issues and only one person in the house to take it out on.
Annie ran back outside and into the woods. Where her father made her train was a little far from her house. He didn't want anyone around there looking for them.
She ran past a shack that they used to put gardening tools in. They never used it, it was just a decoy to make people think that was there actual makeshift garage. The real one was further out. It was full of punching bags, knives, even a sword, and some throwing darts. But that's just where they kept it. They didn't use the punching bags in there, the punching bags they did use were set up in a few trees around the shack.
Annie stopped abruptly where she saw we dad kicking and punching the punching bags. His knuckles were bloody. He didn't do that to his knuckles from a punching bag.
Annie hid behind a tree her eyes wide. "Where is she?!" Her dad punched it again and again. She watched for a minute or two but if she stayed there any longer he'd figure out she was there. She ran back towards the house and away from her dad.
Once she got there she grabbed her bag and frantically opened it. She pulled out a piece of paper with Mikasa's address on it. Mikasa had given it to her just incase she would need to go over to her house to work on the project.
Annie picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She ran back out the door and made her way to Mikasa's house

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