Highland Towers:The Hitchhikers

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If you're born and grown up in Malaysia, you would have heard of the Highland Towers tragedy..
Almost 25 years on, the remains of the apartments lay abandoned...until now!

The story goes that in 1994 - a year after the collapse and residents from the other blocks have been evacuated a taxi driver picked up a young woman in the middle of the night.
The young woman insisted on sitting at the back and when asked where she would like to be dropped off, the young lady replied, "Hillview".

Along the way, the taxi driver tried making small talk with the woman, but the young woman gave short, brief answers, if any.
The driver continued driving in silence, until the woman suddenly motioned him to stop at a junction. Only then the driver realised that they were at the Highland Towers.

Now feeling a bit creeped out, the driver asked the woman why she urgently wanted to come to such a place in the middle of the night.
To that, the woman answered: "I left several of my belongings here".
Now officially terrified, the taxi driver asked her what she left there that's so important, it couldn't wait til the next day.

"My body and my life. I died here last year," the woman chillingly answered.

As the taxi driver turned around to look at the woman, she was - yes u got right she disapeared 

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