The Toyol

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How many of you all have heard this name I am sure if you are an Asian you would have heard it at least once in your lifetime.This toyol is a type of mystical creature, it's a dead infant which is evoked by shamans or in asia called as bomoh to steal money or for their personal use.This toyol can be kept by anyone and one should give a proper care of it.It's like an animal you should give anything it asks or it would disturb your family members.Back to the story two years back my sister was staying in Hulu Langat in an double story house.She was staying there for 2 years and there were no problem suddenly one night at 1.00 pm she heard her house door open.She just renovated her house so the door she fixed was new and it would give a creaking sound when someone open it.

She waked her husband and ask to go and have a look outside who is that in that hour.My brother in law went and checked and he saw muddy foot prints near the main entrance.He just didn't want my sister to be scared so he said it's just a cat nothing else and they next day morning my sister was surprised to find that her 2 RM50 and one RM100 was missing she complained about this to my brother in law.At once he knew that it was the creature and he said it's just you would have forget what you spent my sister was confused not to let my sister know about this because she will be scared.One day when my brother in law came late that evening from work this happened.

My sister was washing the dishes in the kitchen and then she suddenly heard a voice like someone calling her name she turned back quickly but nothing was there.She found her fridge door opened slightly she closed it and continue doing her chores.This happened occasionally sometimes the toyol would off the main transformer switch at night like 2.00 pm.My sister start suspecting it's the toyol and she quickly informed my mom.My mom asked her not to worry and do as follows.Place needle in the entrance of the house and every corner of the house so it wouldn't disturb.My sister did and there were no disturbance again so I searched in google about it and found out that this creatures are afraid of needles because needles would poke them.

Another story about this toyol is when my 5 of my friends and I went to Jakarta for our reunion trip.We quickly checked in the hotel and felt asleep because we were tired of the travelling.Later in the evening we decided to have lunch in a nearby restaurant Marsh my friend decided to give us a treat. At the restaurant we saw a suspicious man looking at us all the time.After we finished the food the bill came.Marsh opened his wallet to find his three 10000 rupiah missing he was so confused.We payed the bill and decide to continue to visit the tourist location.We went to a grocery store nearby to buy mineral water and this time I saw the same man he was tapping his shirt pocket smiling at me.To my shock when i opened my purse my 5000 rupiah was missing i knew that the man did this but i blindly cannot blame him because he never came near us.I was frustrated that day and we wanted to go back to our room.

I called my dad and told this and ask him to transfer some money into my account he ask me to calm down.He told me to put black pepper seeds inside my purse and my friends respectively.We did that and to our surprise the next day our money was just the intact.We saw the man there he left in dismay and we were spending our time happily in Jakarta

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