ct-8 Kai's Day One

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't your fault lady princess." said a woman who pulled out from the small gathering, others nodding in agreement. "You came to see us that day you see. You couldn't have known you'd be attacked in your own town where the people love you." She said.

Katherine was truly touched. Truly they loved her and her sister. She loved them too. She felt a knot loosen in her that she didn't know was tied. Shortly after her conversation with them, they left.

Queen Esther walked into the barracks with Nesta by her side. The guards all stopped their movements once again and bowed to her. She acknowledged them then walked over to Katherine.

"My Queen." Katherine said mockingly then took an overly deep bow. Esther giggled.

"Oh stop it Katherine." she said making Katherine join her in giggling.

"What are you doing here?" Katherine asked

"I've come to see Mateo's progress with the elf" Esther said. Then Nesta bowed.

"Lady princess." Nesta said in greeting earning a smile from Katherine.

Kai took the hint and bowed to Esther more deeply than he did to her. Hey!

"Lady Queen." he said earning him a smile and nod from Esther.

"What do I have to do to get that kind of bow?" Katherine said

"Change my title." Kai replied dryly

"Well I've grown quite fond of your title." Esther said "Guardian Kai." she said aloud with a smile on her face.

"Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" Katherine asked with a wide grin on her face.

"It really does. Nesta what do you think?" Esther asked

"I think it suits him fine." Nesta said. By this time Kai's face looked like it would retreat to his skull.

"You're right sister, the look is hysterical!" Esther said which made them both laugh loudly, and made even Nesta of all people chuckle while Kai stood there trying as much as possible not to glare at the Queen of Arocelli, and failing.

By now everyone in the training house was staring at them curiously.

"Oh I haven't been this amused for a long time Kat." Esther said.

"He does have that effect." Katherine said smiling up at Kai as he was considerably taller.

"Glad to be of help." Kai said dryly making Esther chuckle.

"Come on." Katherine said "we'll join you"

They crossed the training room and went through a door leading to the spiral staircase that would take them to the castle dungeons.

They passed several guards and cells before Mateo came out of a room and approached them.

"Lady Queen, lady princess." he said in greeting with a bow "this is no place for you."

"I must see the elf captain Mateo." Esther said defiantly.

"Very well then." captain Mateo conceded "but I warn you that he is not in good shape." he said.

Mateo opened the door and waved them into the room. Two guards were already in the room and they bowed when they saw them. When Mateo said the elf was 'not in good shape', she didn't think he meant it so literally.

MALAKAI (The 'Mala Series' book 1)Where stories live. Discover now