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Jeongguk was never one to sit at the popular table. In fact, most of the time, he ate lunch alone in an empty classroom. He was always the "weirdo."  He ever sat alone, in middle school, in high school, and now even in college, he still sits alone.

College was a little bit easier, because most of everyone wanted to sit alone or they went to study, and it didn't make you a nerd, or it didn't get you a swirly in the locker-room toilets, which for the record, are nasty as hell.

"Kookie," a sweet voice called out. Cue in Park Jimin, Jeongguk's best friend since freshman year of college. Jimin had found him eating alone in an old abandoned classroom, specifically HIS abandoned classroom that he was using as an endless canvas.

He remembers meeting him like it was yesterday, mostly because he thought his swirly days were over, and his brand new shirt was about to be ruined, but no, Jimin didn't give him a swirly. Instead, he enjoyed lunch with him, and slowly, day by day, their friendship grew.

"Are you even listening to me?" Jimin asks, slightly annoyed. A blush creeps across Jeongguk's face as he says a very quiet "no,"

"I was asking if you wanted to go to the gym and watch them play basketball, I heard Min Yoongi plays at lunch,"

He rolls his eyes, and Jimin makes a weird happy sigh that the teenyboppers make when their idol says something cringy.

" So you want me to go into a gym full of people to watch your crush play basketball? A sport that I don't watch nor like?" jeongguk deadpans.

"Exactly!" Jimin squeals. " please please please," he begs. They make it to the abandoned room before Jeongguk gives in, rolling his eyes as he threw the goop and the tray into the trashcan.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," he grumbles to himself as he follows Jimin to the campus Gym. When they enter the gym, Jeongguk is a little astounded. There are people playing tennis, cards, badminton, basketball and what looks like football but different. ( he later had found out that they were playing rugby, but don't let Jimin know, he'll drag him onto the field. )

Jimin practically drags Jeongguk into the gym, where Min Yoongi was effortlessly scoring points and points against what seemed to be everyone else. "He's so good that the whole team is up against him, and he's 13 points ahead," Jimin remarks as Yoongi scores yet another point.

Jeongguk doesn't know where to look, does he look at the scoreboard, at the players, at Min Yoongi who was exceedingly attractive?

"look at his body," Jeongguk mumbles to himself. Call him mesmerized by someone he didn't even know existed. His eyes finally focused on one Min Yoongi as he effortlessly ran back and forth up and down the court.

He was so mesmerized and so into staring at Yoongi that when the basketball hit his chest, he was out of it. A spluttering mess of a boy really, looking around to see quite a few people looking at him.

" I'm so sorry. The ball slipped from my hands,"

None other than Min Yoongi himself had hit him with the basketball. "Are you okay, kid?"

Jeongguk nods and throws him the ball and watched quietly as they finish their game, Jimin, however, was another story. He couldn't believe Yoongi had gotten so close to him. He was practically fangirling!

When the bells rang, and people started to leave the gym, Jeongguk couldn't bring himself to leave. Firstly, he didn't have a class, and neither did Jimin. Not only that, but Yoongi was still playing.

"He must not have a class right now," Jimin whispered, his eyes focused on Yoongi.

Jeongguk was pulling out a book when someone was calling out to him. "Hey, hey, you!" Min Yoongi again? What's with this guy!

"I didn't mean to hit you with the ball like that, and to make up for it, I'd like to take you out for dinner," he remarks. "I'll pick you up at the main hall at 7, and it's my treat,"

As Yoongi walked away to finish shooting his shots, Jimin shakes Jeongguk violently, "I can't believe you scored a date with THE Min Yoongi, you have to tell me everything...,"

Jimin's voice fades as he keeps talking, his eyes focusing on Yoongi, and the ball. He watches each play, and he only does the same three maneuvers

He pushes Jimin off, and apologizes, and he makes his way center court, and stands right in Yoongi's way.

"I'll see you at 7:30," he said. "IF you can find a date for my pabo friend, he won't stop talking about you,"

Yoongi only laughs and agrees to find Jimin a date. He knows of a friend who has a little crush on him.

"I'll see you at 7:30."

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