Warriors of Kyoshi

Start from the beginning

"Momo marbles, please!" I told Momo, our new member of the little family I have with Sokka, Katara, Tsukkio, and Appa.

Momo dived within my clothing and pulled out the marbles placing them in my hands.

"Hey, Katara!" I called out to Katara, cupping my hands, preparing for my trick while smiling eagerly. "Check out this airbending trick!"

I lifted my upper cupped hand using my airbending to lift the marbles within the space of my hands. The marbles were whirling in mid-air to the point you couldn't see the marbles expect the dark gray color. I grinned happily at Katara, but she wasn't paying attention to me as her focus was on sewing Sokka's pants.

"That's great, Aang," Katara said absentmindedly, still patching up Sokka's pants.

"You didn't even look," I replied, crushed that Katara wasn't looking at my trick, placing the marbles back in my hand.

Katara stopped sewing once the needle made it through the open, but the tiny hole through Sokka's pants. Katara's blue eyes glance down at me as she didn't have a smile on her face, just a blank stare.

"That's great!" Katara proclaimed blankly.

"Nut I'm not doing it now," I replied, holding my head down.

"Aang, I enjoyed your trick!" Tsukkio proclaimed with a little joy peeking through her voice.


It silent again, but something swiftly caught my attention. It was Sokka saving his arm dismissively like he was shooing a bug away from him. Sokka had a smirk on his face as he's eyes were closed like he was living the life.

"Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing!" Sokka informed me with his head resting on his now folded arms.

"Excuse me?" Tsukkio questioned while hinting for Sokka to say the next part of his sentence.

I looked over at Katara, who had this full eye look on her face like she was surprised by Sokka's statement. Katara stopped in mid-sewing.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked, frowning her face as she glared at Sokka.

"Simple: girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things!" Sokka smirked.

"But I'm a girl, and I hunt better than you as well fight better than you," Tsukkio proclaimed with a smirk.

"Well, you're a boy trapped in a girl's body!" Sokka declared with a stern look.

"All done with your pants! And look at what a great job I did!" Katara exaggerates happily, throwing Sokka's pants in his face.

"WAIT! I was just kidding! I can't wear THESE!" Sokka panicked, sticking his whole arm through a big hole in his pants. "Katara, PLEASE!!!"

I got back to the reins of Appa. A smile brimmed on my face as I found a new way to get Katara's attention.

"Don't worry, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants!" I smiled.

"Where we're going, Sokka is going to need help once I'm done rearranging his face!" Tsukkio declared with a growl.

Kyoshi's Island

I had Appa land on this crescent-shaped island. I quickly hopped off the reigns with my feet landing on the soft sands of the beach. Although the beach giving off the warm fun in the sun day, in the background of the beach was some snow-capped mountains. The Water Tribe siblings got off the saddle of Appa with a confused look on their face.

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