Holly shifted on her feet. "Were you guys, by any chance, visiting any old cemeteries yesterday?" She glanced from Dean's to Sam's face, and knew they didn't know what she was talking about.

"Shit." She took off down the hallway, feeling a bit light headed, but she tried to ignore the instinct to go running backwards to Dean. The bonding thing was a tad bit inconvenient.

"Holly, wait!" Both Hunters paced after her. Sam grabbed her shoulder, turning her around. "What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday, when I was visiting my parent's graves, I saw someone. I thought it was one of you two!" She twisted out of his grip and entered the stairwell, her voice echoing. "I should have figured it out last night."

"You mean this thing has been following you?" Dean's voice boomed behind her as she made her way down the steps.

"It must have been him. Though why he didn't make a move, I'm not sure," Holly said, pushing open the front doors. Outside, the sunlight hurt her eyes, causing her to avert her gaze to the sidewalk. Her headache returned.

"It's this way," she motioned ahead, and the two followed behind her. People were milling around on the sidewalks, as usual. In the summer, Savannah was quite the attraction. Tourists especially liked to flock to the "haunted" houses, taking tours and riding the buses. Holly knew it was all a load of bullshit. She had checked out all the houses herself.

Sam stepped up beside her. "Were you in the vampire's vision when you saw him?"

"He was across the lot. I don't know if he saw me, but I didn't take any chances. I spent the rest of the day inside," Holly answered, turning the corner. The cemetery was a few blocks away.

"Do you think he was making sure I was the right target? I was at my parent's graves..."

"It doesn't matter— this thing has your scent now, and there's no way we're letting you out of our sight," Sam said, still walking beside her. "If he's hunting you, then he won't stop until he gets you where he wants you."

Holly shivered. Even with two relentless Hunters by her side, she knew the vampire wasn't going to stop until it killed her, or until they killed it.

"Here," Holly pointed to the left, at the rusted iron gate. The cemetery was surrounded by hanging willows, hiding it from the public. Sam stopped at the entrance.

"You said he was outside of the cemetery? At the fence?"

"Yeah. Right over there." She swiveled her gaze to the far end of the cemetery's limits, over by a rotting willow tree, bent with age. Beyond the cemetery lay a road with a row of houses, but Holly saw no bustling activity. Sam began walking around the edge of the fence. 

She was about to make a move to follow, when Dean held his arm out.

"Wait," he said. "What's that?" he pointed inside of the cemetery, and Holly followed his direction. Her gaze focused on the headstones of her parents.

"What?" she shaded her eyes, trying to figure out what she was seeing. There was a big, dark splotch on both headstones. Her heart thumped in her chest.

"Dean," she said, slowly.

"Let's go," he said, brushing past her, and for a moment his shoulder grazed hers. Holly felt a charge of energy, like a sudden sugar rush. She felt breathless.

It felt so good. 

Dean turned to face her for a second, his eyes narrowing. Holly wanted to say something, but she swallowed, her heart still racing, and she bowed her head, opening the rusted gate.

Bound: A Supernatural Story ✔️Where stories live. Discover now