Chapter #14 End Charade, Enter Fire Starter & Grunt!

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            The royal mystic sat, waiting patiently watching soldiers loading up supply in the terrain dosser he was cuffed inside. A guard with orders from Raziel entered the machine and cast his shadow upon the mystic. The royal mystic grinned underneath his large wicker hat and was escorted to the first terrain dosser of the convoy, which contained the grand duke, prince, and others. The mystic walked inside, standing before the grand duke and prince. The guard escorting the mystic was also accompanied by another soldier which held the royal mystic's staff.

"Somebody pinch'em." Wade blurted out in the background referring to the mystic as to dispel the possibility of him being an illusion.

Despite his hidden face, it was clear the mystic was pleased. He noticed Raziel holding the ancient scroll with the glowing letters.

"Ya realize ya need me now?" the mystic gloated.

"What is this?" Raziel asked facing the scroll at him.

"Oh yeah, ya nev'a learnt ta read ancient elf'n did ya?" he asked teasing the grand duke knowing full-well nobody around knew how to read ancient elfian text except for himself.

"Mystic, I'm through playing games with you." Raziel warned.

"Then do ya mind?!" the mystic snapped back raising his arms showing his handcuff's, indicating he would appreciate them being removed.

Raziel took one glance at his shackles before motioning with his head for the solders to remove the royal mystic's handcuff's.

Wraith was stunned, "Well hell, if it's that easy ta get outta handcuff's!" The troublesome youth raised his hands towards the two soldiers protecting him in the back indicating for them to remove his handcuff's as well, but the two soldiers just ignored him.

"Hey? What. . ." Wade was confused, he thought the royal mystic was a friend of theirs, so why was he handcuffed he wondered.

"Handcuff's? Did tha mystic do something wrong?" Christian asked looking at the grand duke.

"Not now Christian." Raziel answered. "Now what's happening here mystic? What does this mean?" he asked handing the scroll over to the royal mystic.

"It's not that complicated. This is a E an this little symbol right her'a is a N." he replied in a smart-ass manner.

The royal mystic was ticked off at the grand duke, but he could see he was angering Raziel and knew that was a bad idea, especially in this case.

"This is yo'r compass to tha arm'a. Tha N's, E's, W's, an S's in the riddle will light up'n let ya know which direction ta go. Oth'a-wise ya'd nev'a find it without this thing." he explained.

Raziel put his hand on the mystic's back and made him face the windshield, "Then lead the way. Tell the driver which direction to go." he ordered slowly, holding in bottled up anger.

Once the grand duke was given the signal that all terrain dossers were prepared for travel once again the royal mystic began deciphering the scroll for direction. Muffled utterings could be heard from underneath his large wicker hat. The scroll began to levitate above his hands, the royal mystic then started waving his fingers and slightly moving his hands as if balancing the scroll in mid-air somehow. The text from the ancient scroll was removed and hovered around and above the mystic. Magical grey, black, and purple smoke emitted from around the mystic aiding him in his sense of direction.

"Whoa. Would ya look at that." Christian said quietly in amazement.

Seth returned from the restroom after washing his face and regaining his composure. He stopped in his tracks as he witnessed the usage of magic in amazement once again. Raziel stood nearby the mystic just in case he was up to something and made sure that the prince was close by his other side. Thirty-eight minutes deeper into the forest of darkness the grand duke was growing suspicious. He stood peering through the windows with his arms crossed against his chest.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 02, 2020 ⏰

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