#1 Leone Abbachio "lipstick."

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Author POV: 

so you and the rest of the gang were on a mission, and when you went back to Bucciarati's house, Abbachio your best friend invited you to hang out with him in his room, and of course Narancia and Mista didn't stop teasing you about it. you rolled your eyes as you followed him to his room, he excused himself as he went to the bathroom to take a shower so he can wash all the sweat away. 

so he was taking a shower, leaving alone in the bedroom. yawing and rolling over in the bed you were really bored, nothing you could do about it..you sighed to yourself as you grabbed your phone searching for any new notifications, nothing.. you started to hear the water hitting the ground which means he started his shower, you put your head down on the pillow while staring at the ceiling. you huffed then from all of the sudden.. a devilish idea popped in your head out of nowhere. you looked up at the makeup that was placed on the hairdresser.

biting your bottom lip you didn't dare to touch his make up before, well it's not as he warned you not to but he seemed like he takes good care of his own stuff, you got up from the bed walking towards it, his make up was well decorated and it wasn't messy or anything you remember how unique he is while he put his make up on, damn you were such a loser when it came for wearing lipstick. you raise an eyebrow then crossed your hands while staring at his makeup, as if you were taking your last decision before doing something dumb you would regret later.

you still could hear the water running wish means he didn't finish the shower yet, you still have time ya know. 'okay maybe if I used the lipstick only he won't be angry about it...right...?' you asked yourself thinking as you laid your hands on the purple lipstick, you opened it as you started to put it on your lips blushing a bit when you realized that he put from the same lipstick. wow, u didn't realize that his lisp touches the same lipstick until now as if you were giving him an indirect kiss. that what made ur cheeks warm. you closed it making sure to put it in place after you decided to stop and wipe it away "what are you doing?

 your life is screwed now.

you let out a squeak as you turned around looking at the male who was standing before you, he had his wet hair down that was still dripping water, he had his own clean Calvin boxers along with a long-sleeved grey V shirt he was holding on the towel that was on his shoulders while looking down at you, focusing on your lips especially "n-nothing! I was...um...." you were looking around trying to find a something to say and you ended up saying to dumbest thing ever "I was trying your....um.....*sighs*. . . I was checking your make up. . . " with your head down, you didn't dare to look up at the male before you, which he actually find it quite adorable the way you looked down like a child who was about to get a time out "my god,y/n your bad at this..." 

he said while drying his hair making you look up at him in shame "in lying??" "no when you use makeup...." he said as he grabbed the tissue and wiped the lipstick off your lips "you see...putting on lipstick isn't a race.." he said holding your chin up with his thumb and with the other one he put the lipstick again on ur lips, you were staring right at his eyes as he was focusing on your lips "..." he grabbed the black lipstick and put some of it on your top lip "and one more thing.." he said as he suddenly picked your lips making your face redder than it is.. pulling away there was a lipstick print on his lips now "thank you for your help." 

he said as he walked towards the hairdresser drying his hair, you were stoned that you just stared at him in shock. when he was done he brushed it to a high bun then he turned around noticing that your still staring at him, with a red face ". . .shit. . ." and that when it hit him that this was your first kiss and he wasn't even your boyfriend, well yet. "oh..I am sorry y/n.." he said looking away a bit sad " I didn't mean to take your first kiss. . ." he said as he continued dressing."n-no..its okay...i....liked it.." those words slipped from the female's lips making her look down and play with her fingers a bit.

looking at you, he smiled a bit as you spoke "so you won't teach me how to wear lipstick?" she asked trying to change the subject "why don't you help me with it this time?" he asked as he removed the one he was wearing with a tissue not breaking eye contact with her, nodding he grabbed the lipstick and sat down in front of you. grabbing the lipstick you started to put the purple one on his bottom lip, holding his chin with your thumb, you grabbed the black one as you opened it and started to put black on his top lip.

when I was done I put the lipsticks down and I grabbed a mirror he looked at it as he spoke "not bad..." he said but still have the same expression on his face "...Abbachio?" he looked at me then I spoke "....I love you.." I said to him making eye contact with him, without any warning he closed his eyes and kissed me, I was shocked by his behavior as he held my head and deepen the kiss, I got over it as I kissed him back. "I love you too.." he said as I smiled at him.

"I didn't know that you would kiss me because of lipstick?"

"shut up and kiss me again.."

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