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It was 11:00 on a Saturday morning and I was miserable. All my thoughts were directed to one thing and one thing only, Qing Qing. Yes, being in love is wonderful, but terrible at the same time. Most of the time was fine, but there were some days when I couldn't pull my thoughts away from her for more than a minute or so. Usually, when this happened I'd just call her to spend time together, but today she was hanging out with Zang Fang Fang. I tried not to interrupt girl time like the good boyfriend I was.

My thoughts kept circling back to that one thought. Did I really call Qing Qing 'The One'? There's never been a doubt in my mind she is, but for some reason, the idea set differently in my head the other day. What does 'The One' even mean?

My phone rang on the nightstand. For a second my pulse jumped, thinking it could be Qing Qing calling to tell me Zang Fang Fang couldn't hang out today and ask if I wanted to do anything so I could spend the entire day looking at her ugly face, but it was Gu Nanxi.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hey, what's up?"

I looked around the room. "Not much, how about you."

"Nothing really, we should hang out or something today."

"Yes," I answered a bit too eagerly, but I was desperate to do anything but sit alone and think about Qing Qing all day. Ugh, I'm doing it again. "I'll do pretty much anything. You can come over if you want to."

"Alright." We usually hung out at my place. "I'll come over in an hour."

"Okay, see you then." I hung up.

After another agonizing hour, Gu Nanxi showed up. We stood on the outside balcony. It seemed to be his favorite part of my house. "You never got to meet Feng Situ last night."

I figured he'd mention that so I'd already come up with an answer. "I did get to meet her. We talked outside the theater."

He sighed. "Isn't she perfect. Everything you could ever want in woman,"

This is weird. "Yeah, sure."

"But don't even think about leaving Qing Qing for her." He laughed. "She's mine."

Great, now I'm thinking about Qing Qing again. That's Crazy, why would I leave Qing Qing for any girl. I could never see myself with any other girl ever, in a million years.

'The One'

Stop saying that!

I'm having a mental fight with myself. This is so dumb.

Focus on what's going on. "So, how are things going between you two."

"So perfect!" He exclaimed. "She's amazing! I think She could even be 'The One'"

Great, now he's using the term 'The One'. It was bad enough when I said it.

"Whoa, dude. Slow down, you've only known her a few days. You can't go around saying that. You'll scare her off"

"No, she's different, I know it. Trust me, I know she feels the same. We have something special between us. I just know it."

"Whatever you say." I decided to drop the whole thing. On Top of everything else, I could not be in a fight with him right now. He dropped it too.

I looked over at my poor friend and knew what he felt. I saw the uncertainty in his eyes. He knew he was lying to himself just as I did. He knew he didn't love Feng Situ. She was only a living, breathing vessel for the girl he really wishes he were dating, a girl that would love him as much as he adores her. Where he doesn't know about Feng Situ he simply fills in the blank on her life. He doesn't love who she really is. He loves who he's made up in his mind.

Dang, when'd I get so smart.

*Authors Note*

If you're enjoying the story I'd love to hear your feedback. I will post new chapters soon. Happy reading!

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