"I know, oh.. and she IS my mate. I'm sure of it. And I'm pretty sure she feels it." He replied. I gave him a look, he ran her out of his room so either he unloaded everything onto her at once or he tried to take things too far. I was staring at him, giving him that knowing look.

"Relax. It's not what you're thinking."

"Oh? It isn't? So you didn't overwhelm her and cause her to go running from your room just now?" I asked.

"Well.. okay yes, but also no. She might have been overwhelmed but I only kissed her. If that gets her worked up then... wow. I can't wait till she accepts me." He smirked. I shook my head at him.

"You're impossible..." I said.

"Hyung, relax. I know she's not ready yet. My little butterfly needs to spread her wings more... before I spread her legs." The combination of his words and the smug look he had on his face was enough to make me want to smack him upside the head. But.. I couldn't help to laugh instead.

"You're a piece of work, you know that?" I said, laughing and shaking my head at him. "How are those wounds any- What?" I looked at his side and he smiled widely at me. "Jungkook... where are the cuts? Where's the scars from your healing? Where's-"

"I think my butterfly healed me better than you did." He smiled and had another smug look on his face... this kid...

"What?" I asked him.

"Well... her scent. It's.. earthy, flowers and honey. The earths sweetness. I think she healed me." He said the words, but I was having a hard time believing them.

"Jungkook, she's a normal Hu- oh... wait.... Shit, shit why didn't I think.. why didn't I remember that?" I walked over to the window for a second and turned, looking back at the door. Jungkook was the one looking confused now.

"Uh, Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Huh?" He motioned to himself and my brain clicked. I was thinking in my head and not out loud to him. "Oh right, right. Well see. Emerald there.. isn't a normal human. Tour explained it better.. but remember she said she could read that ancient Dragon language? She's a descendant from Dragons. So while she's not a dragon per say... she does have the blood and certain abilities it seems. If she healed you like this... she could be a healer like me, or one of the other kinds. Hell she might just be a really strong earth dragon. We know that dragons who are connected with the same affinity can cause our natural healing to strengthen. So it could be that too." I informed him. He nodded.

"She needs my mark..." He growled. I laughed at him.

"Calm down. You said you know she isn't ready yet. So give the girl some time." I patted his shoulder and stepped back. "Come on, Yoongi should be waking up soon too. We need to document everything that he remembers. It should help us. Also I'm waiting for word from the others, they rode out to North Tower to try and handle the situation." I informed him. He nodded and slowly stood up. As we exited his room all I could think about was how to tell Tour I might need to head out for a few days... maybe longer.


(Emerald's POV)

"So, what exactly is the problem?" Pearl asked as she fed a tiny spoon full of something that resembled applesauce into her sons mouth.

"He makes me.... Makes me..." I couldn't find the words.

"Feel like you're about to orgasm from just the sight of him?" Pearl and I both turned to look at Ruby who was sitting in the chair across from us, her arms folded over her chest.

"What?" She asked.

"That's a bit crass... but, She's not wrong." I replied as I looked back to Pearl.

"We've been there." Sapphire replied.

"Oh yeah. Definitely." Tour chimed in.

"Hoseok made me soak my undies the first time I saw him... he was dancing." Sapphire said with a sigh. A dreamy look in her eyes told me she was remembering that moment fondly.

"Jimin was just... there. I mean. That's it. I don't think he was looking at me any particular way. It might have been his smile.... Damn that smile. Still gives me shivers to this day." Tour recalled.

"Namjoon's dimples. That's all that needs to be said." Pearl smiled as she fed her son another spoonful of food. He was growing so fast, but apparently the first year dragonlings do grow kind of fast.

"Tae's huge ass hands. Oh, and that stare... I was ready to bend myself over the nearest table for him. Even if I did my best to resist it." Ruby smirked.

"That's the thing, you can't deny them. It's fate, we were meant to be there just like they were meant to be ours." Sapphire spoke with a warm smile. "If he's making you feel this way, there's no denying it."

"Trust me." Ruby said as she sat forward. "You can fight it, I tried. But take of me, it's a losing battle. Although.. that first orgasm.... Damn..." She giggled.

"Alright Rubes, no need to push her into something she isn't ready for." Pearl grinned. "When comes down to it Em, it's your choice. You can say no, you can choose to not accept it. But... One day, at some point.. you're going to either regret it, or change your mind." She informed me.

"Take it from me Em, you can't half ass this either. If you start something with him... you HAVE to follow through. The change happens slowly at first but if it's prolonged for too long without doing that ceremony... you will be in pain." Tour warned.

"Yeah, we almost lost this one." Sapphire smiled as she ruffled Tour's hair. Tour pushed her hand away playfully and stuck her tongue out at Saph.

"I get it. I know this is important. I just..." I sighed. "I guess I'm nervous. He's so.. intense." I started to chew on my bottom lip again.

"Yeah, they can get aggressive, that's their Dragon usually. It recognizes you as theirs and well.. you're his Dragon's greatest treasure. He craves you so he's going to be a bit... intense." Pearl spoke.

"I just... I want..." I tried to think of the words, but I couldn't.

"You want a certainty. A promise everything will be okay." Ruby smiled. "Em. You're strong, you're tough, but you're also sensitive and kind and you've always been the one we relied on to fix a lot of stuff. You're the backbone." She grinned and chuckled. "I get you want certainty. Unfortunately, with this rebel group... I don't know how certain we can be of anything." Ruby had a point, but the question was... was I willing to take that chance?

Could I risk it for him?

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