"Duh" reggie says and a slip him the double middle finger combo

I grabbed my phone and called my grandmama. That name will never get old.

"Hello" she answered

"Grandma!" I said in excitement

"Oh AHT boy, You can't be calling Tiana" she says

"I'm not calling Tiana, lemme talk to ash"

I heard some ruffles and I heard Ashton say "daddy"

"Hey baby boy..miss me"

"No" he says I frowned

"Wow" I said acting hurt

"Yes" he says and I smiled

"Miss you too.......WHATS your mom doing"

"Singing" he says Then I heard grandma say something then she came back up on the phone

"Don't use my grand baby as the messenger" she says and I could feel her glaring

"Tell Tiana I love her okay" I say

"No problem" she said

"Is everything set up at her house" I asked

"Yes everything is fine! Get off the phone" she then hung up and I laughed

Reggie came back into the room and he was wearing his suit "what do you think? You think I could holla at some lady's at the wedding?"

He posed and I threw a pillow at his ass "boy! You ain't even suppose to have yours on until tomorrow"

He laughed "I know, Reggie just looks good in a suit"

I laughed at the fact he's talking in third person. "Man..I'm so nervous"

"You can do it Chris" Reggie said sitting on the bed "all you gotta day is I do..right"

"No..there's the vows and shit...how am I supposed to fit all my love for T, in a whole vow" I said pulling my knees up and hugging them.

"Easy...just say how much you love her and talk about your future" he says "I know that You and Tiana will live happily ever after y'all are like Bonnie and Clyde, she's really smoke to your blunt. The moon to your sun"

I smiled "Thanks RJ"

He looked at me "you haven't called me that in a while"

"Well I'm bringing it back." I said standing up "I'm taking a shower..I smell like sweat"


"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I love you so much-" I wrote on the piece of paper but then crumpled it up I sat at my vanity thinking of the right words to put into this vow

"Baby what's wrong?" Mrs,Brown asked walking over to me

"I can't write this stupid vow...how am I gonna write this? I don't have all my words together mrs,Brown"

PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now