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Plan A
The next day

I waited at my house door taping on my phone. Tonight I'm suppose to perform at Leviticus but I had to call mr.Scott and tell him I have to resign so he put Mario in my place to perform.

Ole boy don't have the pipes I got. He sounds Like a whole chipmunk singing.

I taped on my moms caller ID and waited for her to pick up.

"Oh hello son" she said sounding all evil

Just hearing her voice makes me wanna do some harsh shit to her! She's filling my cup FOREAL.

"I wanna talk to you" I said

"Mmmm...how am I not sure this is a trick?"she asked

"It's not I- I really wanna talk to you mom" the ole sentimental voice always tricked her when I use to get in trouble

All I have to do is sound sure and sad at the same time it melts her heart cause she gives right in.

"Okay baby," she said "where should we meet"

I really wanna say in hell but...that's to much.

"Me and Tiana had a fight so...let's meet at a cabin I have I'll...send you the address" I suggested

"Ugh Chris, I don't know wha your doing with her anyway you see you need a better women for you she's just a hood rat from Maryland baby" she said

Slap! Slap! Ouuu just one slap!

"Okay meet me there in 20"

"Okay baby, love you"

"L- l- L- lov- love y- y- you too"I said trying to get those words out my mouth to her

We hung up the phone and I went to text trey.

Put slide my phone in my pocket and got into my BMW and started driving

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Put slide my phone in my pocket and got into my BMW and started driving.

"Gideon" I said

"Sir" she said

"How's Tiana"I asked pulling out the driveway

"She's worried about you mr.Brown, but she's handling herself her and Ashton are both asleep" she said

I nodded "thanks Gideon..go dark" I said

Minutes later finally arrived at the cabin and I walked over to it grabbing the keys under the mat and opening it.

Mom isn't here yet so I have enough time to put the hemlock in her drink.

I walked over to the kitchen counter and looked at the hemlock and poured it into a glass of wine I have set up for when she gets here.

"Ima sorry mom"I said while pouring it into drink

Police are still looking for her by the way. They keep saying they have no "trace" of her. Cops don't do they jobs at all around here.

PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLETED) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum