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We all were standing around the table looking at my mothers file that Camilla had brought to me. Earlier tonight it was only 1:09am.

"Aight what's the plan brish?"keeis asked

It feels nice to here that name again it's been awhile.

"Well..."I said picking a picture of my mother's mug shot "one thing I know..she's headed to Bree's cause she has nowhere else to go and I guarantee they are working together"

"I don't wanna be apart of this"red said shaking his head slowly.

"Your not"I said "none of you are having any part of this"

"So why'd you call us?" Sinko asked

"Because...y'all just- make sure tiana is straight when I'm gone"

"Gone? What do you mean gone" asap asked

"He means 'gone gone' as in when he goes to prison for killing his mother...Chris are serious right now" trey said crossing his arms

"Yeah, I'm fed up constantly having to watch my back every now and then! Having crazy bitches pop up announced trying to harm family!...guys,everything was going great! I'm getting married to the women I love. Tiana is having my baby girl and I have a son to take care of! I don't want my kids growing up thinking that they have to live in fear. It's better if I just handle this for myself...shit I did 3 months in prison and I handled it" I said shrugging

They all nodded

"Okay" fresh spoke up "let's do it...for family" he said and put his hand out

"For family " red said putting his hand on fresh

We all put our hands in and dapped each other. "Okay here's the game plan I call up my mom tell her I'm ready to forgive her and I say me and Tiana had a fight so I don't wanna stay at my own house so I take her to the cabin where Tiana had her thanks giving party last year" I explained

"Wait- ain't that the same cabin place your got arrested for when you supposedly found your mom "stabbed" in the heart" keeis asked

"That wasn't her though it's a long story" I said getting straight to the point

"y'all ever heard of...hemlock?"Trey said causin me to look over at him with a confused faced

"The fuck is that...shit sound like some type of hemroid or sum shit?"August said making me chuckled

"Hemlock is a deadly poison,kills people in 5 minutes and when they dead the hospital puts the person in the morgue and when police come to investigate,police won't even find the poison in her blood cause it disappears,it's untraceable"trey explained

"Yes! Where do we get that from" Red asked

"It's out in maple grove park there is a whole bush full of it, all you gotta do is squeeze the flower real tight and watch the liquid turn red and then into blue then when it turns blue your poison is ready" trey explained again

I nodded in satisfaction

"Okay after the bitch is dead, we figure it out fro-"

My phone rang in my back pocket I took it out and it was Tiana for the hundredth time.

Caller ID: 🤪LOML🥺

My chest got tight and I pressed the red declined button and shoved it back in my pocket.

"Chris...you not gonna tell ole girl what's going on" mijo asked

"I don't want her stressing the baby out"

PRO-CHOICES (sequel ) (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now