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I woke up to Chris's arms wrapped around me and we were fully naked.

Last night was what we both needed 5 rounds of sex is officially my limit

I got up and looked at Chris fast asleep

"Do this pussy got you glowing Christopher hmm"I said to myself in thought of him glowing like an angel

I laughed to my self

I went into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror

I today I am going into the studio to write a couple of songs

Chris says I don't need to cause I don't need to be stressing the baby out with my vocals.

Plus today chris was going to Danny's to talk to him I let Chris call him from my phone so he could get excited to see I called him and guess what...he was,

Danny was nice to him and said to meet him at a coffee shop uptown

I'm actually scared Chris a little because Danny is a whole crazy person something him and Danny have in common but I'm not gonna compare them to each other.

I washed my face and took a shower then I went downstairs and made some breakfast

"Eggs,bacon"I said thinking if I should make a bagel sandwich or just be basic.

Chris is still sleeping? He should be up by now.

Then My phone rang interrupting me from almost burning the bagel I turned off the stove

"Hello"I said

"Hey boob"someone said

"Oh my god Jackson what's up!"I said in excitement

Jackson is my brother we haven't talked in so long,to be honest I forgot he existed?

"Hey little sis I see your making it big out in LA"he said

"Yeah it's going good"I said

"Yeah you have a lot to tell me since I haven't met the Nigga you with and YOU never called!, plus I'm going to be an uncle"he said in excitement

"Yeah there's a lot how's dad"I asked

"Oh honey,he is pissed at you!"he said

"Why?"I asked

"Girl really, well number one you left Maryland,to work at a job he never wanted you to do then all of a sudden your a superstar.  then he finds out you dating a 'women abuser', his words not mine,now he is really mad cause he been herring all the drama that's been going on with you and now you pregnant I mean sis I'm not mad I'm happy for you."he explained

"Yeah I understand I just don't wanna talk to him"I said shaking my head

"If you guys could just talk-"I cut him off

"This is about what he did jack"I said

"He lied to me about mom!"I said felt my eyes about to burn

"Tee Tee DONT cry now cause if you cry, I cry then we both know we gonna be crying on this damn phone"he said and I laughed

"Anyways I gotta go"I said

"Hey what happened to Danny I wanna know the drama"he whined

"A lot"I said

"Like"he asked

"I'll tell you later,bye!"I said

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone

"Who was that?"I heard a raspy voice from the side of me

It was Chris

"Oh- just my brother."I said

"Woah! You got a brother"he said with wide eyes

"Yes...I just never mentioned him"I said

"Okay I need to meet your family!"he said

"Yeah one day"I said

"Hey you ain't gotta be scared about me and Danny"he said

"But what if-" He cut me off

"No there won't be an issue."he said

"Just make sure-"he cut me off

"Make sure the bodyguards are there"he said

"How do you do that"I asked

"I been dating you for a whole year now, you don't think I know what your going to say"he said


I grabbed my car keys and left the house

I saw Tiana in the window waving at me and saying bye and she mouthed "I love you"

I nodded at her and got into the car

I can tell she's nervous about me and Danny talking,but has nothing to worry about.

I arrived at the coffee shop and saw Danny in the outside area sitting there on his phone.

I walked up to the table and sat down

"Okay talk"I said

I looked on my side and saw tank and tussle on each side of the building just in case something goes down

"No need for your weak ass bodyguards."he said laughing

"Why are you so obsessed with me and Tiana?"I asked

"You took what I loved away from me!"he said clenching his jaws

"Nigga fuck out of here you was abusing her"I said waving him off

"I was not abusing her,she asked for that"he said

I was two seconds from hopping over this table and killing the nigga!

"You know Chris we are very much alike"he said

"How?"I said rolling my eyes

"We both have that spunk and I'm sorry about your mother being arrested"he said

"Y'all was working together?"I asked

"First off how do you even know my mom anyway"I asked

"You see she has been keeping a big secret from you and when you find out you will see that you and I are connected."he said


"Nigga stop talking crazy"I said

"I'm not talking crazy I'm saying the facts Christopher Maurice brown"he said and chuckled

"Leave me and Tiana alone, or else"I said

"Or else what?"he said not scared at all

"I'm smarter then you think I know things you all don't know"he said

"I'll have Tiana back in my arms again you'll see"he added

"She wants nothing to do with you,stay away"I said then left

"Congratulations on the upcoming child I'll be thinking of you!"he said as I walked away

Connected? The hell he mean we are connected

What secret is he talking about how did my mom even know Danny, why did she hate Tiana?

This is a mind game


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