"If you think for one second that he is capable of hurting any of us then you don't know him at all." Harry snapped, anger seeping into his voice.

"You're right. I don't know him. But I know his track record."

Harry pulled back. "Save your breath. I've heard the speech a bunch of times already. I know what I'm doing. Do you think I would put Ron and Hermione in danger?"

"I just want you to use your head."

"I am, you don't need to worry about that." Harry turned on his heel and left the tent.

He was walking back to the house, fuming, when he saw Draco walk out of the Burrow.

"Party already over?" Draco asked and then saw the look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Come here." Harry took his hand and led him to the side of the house. From here they could still hear the music playing softly. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck and rested his head on his shoulder. "Dance with me."

"Any particular reason we're dancing out here instead of with everyone else?" Draco asked but wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and started swaying to the music.

"I just want to be alone with you. When we leave to search for Horcruxes, we won't be alone for a while."

"Not that I'm complaining but is that all? You looked upset when you came out of the tent."

Harry sighed and pulled Draco closer. "It's stupid."

"Your feelings aren't stupid. You can tell me."

Harry was silent for a long moment before he asked, "do you ever regret choosing me?"

"What? No, of course not. Do you?"

"No, but everyone around me does."


"I'm just so sick of everyone warning me about you. If they trust me then they should trust my judgment." Harry pulled back to look at Draco. "Because I trust you and I know that you won't betray us."

"If my coming will cause so much conflict—"

"Don't. You're coming with. You're in as much danger as the rest of us and I don't want to leave you."

Draco put his hand on Harry's cheek. "I don't want to leave you either."

"Okay," Harry kissed him. "Then there's nothing more to discuss."

They continued to dance, lost in the comfort of each other's embrace. Then Harry saw a blue light shoot across the night sky and disappear into the tent. Draco must have seen it too because they both pulled apart at the same time and rushed toward the tent. A ball of blue light was floating in the middle of the room, repeating the same message: The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead.

Then all Hell broke loose. People started apparating away and deatheaters shot in from the sky. They started shooting spells while Harry looked around for Hermione and Ron. Harry grabbed onto Draco's hand as they plunged into the crowd. Hermione and Ron were rushing toward them and as soon as Harry took ahold of Hermione's hand they were gone. They landed in an alleyway and they took a second to catch their breath.

"Where are we?" Ron asked.

"London," Hermione said, ruffling through her bag. "We need to change."

"My rucksack—" Harry started but Hermione handed him a change of clothes. "How?"

"Undetectable extension charm," Hermione replied, handing a change of clothes to Ron and Draco. "I packed up all the essentials, just in case."

"Brilliant," Ron said, smiling.

They all changed into more casual clothes which for Draco was still black slacks and a white button-down shirt. Though, since he rolled up the sleeves, he said it was casual.

"Let's lay low at a coffee shop and come up with a plan," Hermione suggested.

They nodded and walked out onto a London street together.

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