Our Story (Merthur)

Start from the beginning

"I find it outrageous that you have clothes like these up in that attic of yours but I don't find it surprising," Katie said as they walked out to the GMC. 

Merlin chuckled, "the attic of mysteries." The young man looked over at his friend, "you got your wand?" He asked. 

Katie held up a decorated wand. 

"Snape's wand?" 

"Snape's wand," Katie confirmed with a huge grin on her face. 

Katie is a huge geek. She loves the Harry Potter series and absolutely adores the character Snape. The only reason Katie is so eager to go to this fair is because there is a Harry Potter-themed day, and it's today. 

Katie wore a Hufflepuff Hogwarts school uniform and it looked rather good on her.

"We'll be meeting Jim and Colie there, I presume?" Merlin asked once buckled into the car. 

Katie nodded as the car started up. "Yes we will." 

Once the car was all started up, Katie pulled out her phone and synced it with the car. She turned to Merlin. "Your song, my album, or shuffle?" She gave him the three choices. 

Merlin replied immediately, "shuffle."

Music from Katie's phone started to play through the car's radio. Both Merlin and Katie listened as the song began and prepared themselves for a long car ride of singing along. 

Merlin relaxed in his seat as he quickly recognized the song. Katie had made Merlin watch so many musicals that were on VideoTube. Most, if not all, of them were from a certain group that made a whole bunch of musicals. The group was called Team MoonShoes. 

//If you know, you know ;) \\

The song that first came up was a villain song from the musical Spacecraft.

"You gotta kick it up a notch," Merlin and Katie both began to sing, right in sync with the male voice coming from the radio. "If you're ever gonna reach your goal, you can't sit around and watch- your destiny is in your control. Go 'head and kick it up a notch if your life is at a level too low." 

Katie pulled out of Merlin's driveway, leaving the small, one floored house of Merlin's behind. 

"There's no attempt that you can botch when all you gotta do is just give it a go, but then again what do I know? What I see right there is a prisoner- who's sitting on top of the key! So kick it up a notch if you ever wanna be free..."

Both of them pause as three other voices come into the song. After a few lyrics, they start up again. "Life is short so- before it's over, take a chance and think it through! You'd better kick it up a notch. It's the human thing to do..."

The song eventually ended. Katie and Merlin both had large smiles on their faces. After a few more songs, they came across a sadder song that didn't match the moods of the other songs they had heard so far.

"If I believed in wishes
As silly as it seems
I'd find that hidden cave
Turn back the sands of time
And save you
If I believed in dreams
If I believed in magic
If I believed in good
I'd be the best vizier
I'd make our troubles disappear
If I believed I could
But wishes are dreams
And dreams are pretend
So science and reason win out in the end
Science says you're dead and gone forever
Reason says I'm talking to the air
But something in my heart
Some secret, hidden part
Illogically insists that you are there

If I believe in wishes
If I can find the key
Perhaps it's not too late to change the course of fate
Cause after all I must be pretty great
If you believed in me

Merlin felt something in his stomach sink. He had heard the song before, yet listening to it this time made something happen. Something that Merlin couldn't quite put a finger on. It felt like guilt crossed with sadness. But it just didn't make any sense. 

"Merlin, you okay? You're making the face you make whenever you think something is up..." Katie looked over at her friend, concerned. 

The dark haired man didn't even look up when responding "'m fine."

Katie's lips pressed into a thin line as she didn't believe Merlin. But she just shrugged it off and let him be. 

The songs that no one would understand besides theater fans continued. Merlin didn't sing along to any more of them. Instead, he looked out the window, deep in thought. 

Eventually, they made it to the fair. The parking lot just outside the medieval-themed "town" was busy. People were dressed up in old fashioned outfits as if they were royalty or townsfolk. Others were dressed up as Harry Potter characters. 

Katie threw her arms up once she saw everyone in Harry Potter cosplay. "I have found my people!" She exclaimed loudly, throwing a grin at Merlin, who shook his head in response. 

 Merlin watched as his friend skipped through the parking lot. They reached the entrance to the fair and were allowed in after waiting for a few minutes. 

"Let's try and find Jim and Nicole," Merlin said before Katie could get too excited from all the stuff around her. 

It didn't take long for the pair to find Jim and Nicole. Jim's a tall, young man who had bright red hair. Nicole seemed tiny compared to Jim. She is a seven year old girl who stood 58 inches tall. She had the same colored hair as her brother and would always have a smile on her face. 

They were dressed up as two of the Weasleys. Nicole was Ginny and Jim was a very tall Ron. 

"Where do we even start?" An excited Katie asked her boyfriend and his sister as they had both been there longer. 

"Might be better if we just look around and wander," Jim answered. 

Katie nodded. "Let's get started then!"

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