Chapter Fifty Four

Beginne am Anfang

Before i can get any further, loud yelling stops me. "ITS THE POLICE. HANDS UP, GUNS DOWN. HANDS UP, GUNS DOWN." I look behind me and widen my eyes.

I quickly turn and stop to see a large group of police officers pointing guns at my father, him kneeling on the floor with his hands up.

Its this moment it feels as though everything hits me at once. I begin to hyperventilate, little oxygen entering my body.

"OSCAR." I turn quickly to see amy, lukes mom, kneel at my side grabbing me into a hug.

I cling onto her, but never break eye contact with my father.

For the first time in years, his eyes are filled with guilt instead of hatred.

As if the reality if our lives just hit us both.

"Come on honey, im taking you home." I stand up and begin to walk away, taking in a last look at my father, as i probably wont see him for a while.

Call me crazy, but i know one day, oliver Harris will return to his old self that i loved.

"Honey did he hurt you?" I dont take my eyes of the ground.. "K-kinda... i-im so s-sorry. I w-was pa-panicking an-and you w-was the fi-first pers-son i thought o-of." She squeezes me into a tight hug.

"Oscar, im so glad you got them to call me. If you are ever in danger please know ill always come rescue you. You mean everything to my family and you're a part of it now. Family sticks together."

I smile and nod.

But inside.

Iv never wanted to cry more than i do right now.

"Come on baby it's cold lets go home." I nod and stand up as we walk towards one of the officers.

"I already gave an officer my contact information, Oscar will be staying with me. Can I take the boy home, he's had a rough night." The officer nods and continues to talk to amy.

But I don't hear anything. All I can do is stare at him.

He looks so defeated on the ground, staring at his hands that are covered in my blood.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a gentle tug on my hand. I slowly look away from my father, to amy whose smiling softly at me.

I nod gently and follow her towards her house, clinging to her hand the entire time.

Is this really happening?

Is this all over?

we continue to walk in silence until we get back to her house. She opens the door and walks in, me slowly following behind.

I gently close the door and turn to see Luke, his mom and his dad staring at me.

I smile softly at them, but at the same time I can feel my lip trembling.

I want to run, to escape this happy home and crawl back into my dark one.

The one I feel I deserve.

I'm pulled out of my distant thoughts by somebody pulling me into a hug. Luke.

I don't hug back for a while, but once I do I cling to him, so tightly that it probably hurt.

And thats when I break.

Tears flooding down my face as I silently cry into the taller boys chest as he gently strokes my hair and whispers calming things to me.

Why am I crying?

Is it happiness?



When I was at the hospital, the therapist I got admitted told me that a symptom of my ptsd is that once it's over I might feel like I miss it. As though I want to continue to live out that life.

And I couldn't help but feel confused. Why would anyone ever feel like that once they're safe. I know I wouldn't,

Or so I thought.

It's not something I can explain, and definitely never will.

But part of me wants to go back to the way it was.

Because perhaps the angel was far to used to the nightmare he was trapped in.

(Serious a/n:
I know yall must be like wtf why does he want to go back to that? I as someone who suffers with ptsd have experienced this, of hating the moment when living in it but almost missing it once it's over. It's not something everyone can entirely understand but please know it's part of his trauma, not him wanting to be a victim. Its kind of like Stockholm syndrome.)

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Anyways thanks for reading!

Lmao Im sorry its baddd but its gay so shhHhHh.

Word count: 2615

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


The Eyes Of The Devil                       [BxB] EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt