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Third person

Jungkook arrived at the house. And he sees that the lights were off . Is he quickly goes in the house and hear " surprise" it scared him to tht fac that his water broke if that even possible. Taehyung walked up and said " oh shit called the Ambulance his water broke" and suga called and Jimin said " what a surprise for the surprise " 😂

The Ambulance came and picked up jungkook and suga took junho wit him home and everyone else went home and tae was wit jungkook. Jungkook was end up giving birth and let's just say Taehyung don't got much hair left. The baby's was twins boy and a girl . As much as junho wanted the girl to be named yungui they came up wit this for the gurl
"HYE- JIN " which mean bright Nd intelligent and precious and rare
and the boy name "SU-JIN" which means long life , lifespan , precious and rare

And yungui became the girl nick name and guiyu become the nickname of the boy...


Imma update tomorrow 🖤🖤

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